What should I do?

Okay this is pretty complicated but try to keep up, okay I reeeally like this guy in my year and I thought he liked me because we’d sometimes have long msn conversations, so I told my best guy mate tom that I fancied this guy and asked tom to casually ask the guy who he fancies (hoping he would say me) Only toms a bit crap at stuff like that and instead of casually asking the guy who he likes, he basically told him I liked him (by saying he has a suspicion I like him) and the guy first of all said he liked me as a mate, then he said he does fancy me but hes too nervous to talk to me properly. Then later on that day tom was just talking about it again and the guy I like said he didnt like me! He changed his story and im very confused! So was tom. To complicate things more before this the guys best friend found out I liked him and was teasing me about it so I immeadiatly denied it saying I dont like the guy, so I was thinking maybe the best friend told the guy that I said I didnt like him, and thats why he changed his story? But it might not be im really confused So I need peoples opinions, do you think this guy likes me or not? And why do you think he changed his story? And should I just carry on talking to him or should I give him some space (if he doesnt like me) Please help me I really like this guy! Xxx

Answer #1

what you should do is completely tell the truth. it always works for me. when I like someone I just tell them, it may come on as too strong, but at least then you are all on the same terms. and just remember that if it doesn’t work, there is probably a way better person out there for ya.

Answer #2

ya he likes you he used his friend to see if you liked him and since you said that to his friend he said that he didnt like u…so you gotta tell him that you do like him, before its too late

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