Not such a friend

What should I do if I have liked this certian guy for 3 years and my best friend started to go out with him .she has always known that I liked him and now every times she sees me she rubs it in . Should I still be friends with her or just stop talking to her period >:)

Answer #1

She’s rubbing it in? Knowing how much you liked him? Thats d*ck. Ditch her.

Answer #2


Answer #3

I have asked him out about three times and everytime he says I’m not ready for a relationship so I gave up then he started going with her and I did consider my friends feelings and let it go but she didn’t she just rubbed it inher and so I let go and told her if she liked him she could have him and she did but he broke up with her yesterday and then asked me out and I declined I didn’t like him anymore after what he did to her so there >:(

Answer #4

thank I did have a heart to heart with her and it didn’t work she told me she didn’t care cause all he ever talks about is me not how much he likes her which confuses me the most cause they have been going out for 1 month

Answer #5

Is she rubbing it in or are you a little sensitive about the whole thing (not that I would blame you if you were, I would be mad if it happened to me). Maybe you should step back a bit and see if you’re being overly sensitive. If you are, I would suggest you sit down and explain how you feel. Ask her to not bring it up because it bothers you. Dont ruin a good friendship just because she is being a little insensitive (she may not be trying to do it on purpose).

On the other hand if she is really rubbing it in (I.e. trying to hurt you on purpose), then she’s not a very good friend, and uhm yeah you might be better off without her…

Answer #6

She isn’t a real friend to do that to you especially that’s she’s known that you have always like him. I would sit down and have a heart to heart conversation with her and tell her that it’s really bothering you. Maybe she doesn’t have to stop going out with him but you can just try telling her that you don’t like her rubbing it in every time you see her.

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