Who should I go for?

I’ve been dating this girl for about a month and a half now and I’m not really attracted to her anymore.

I’ve known this other girl for about 3 years now and I’ve liked her ever since I met her. Ever since I started dating this girl I just cant stop thinking about my friend.

Should I wait and see if something happens and I start liking my girlfriend again or should I dump her and ask my friend out?

What does everyone think I should do?

Answer #1

Thanks for your advice. I just didnt want to break up with her and then start liking her again. (maybe it was just a phase or something). But thank you. Now the “fun part”

Answer #2

You shouldn’t date someone if you’re having feelings for someone else. Clearly you want the other girl , so get out of the relationship.

Answer #3

I say dump your girlfriend… if you don’t any feelings for her anymore, then you shouldn’t lead her on, because if you wait longer it’s just going to hurt both of you more. just get it over with and break up.

Answer #4

Don’t stay with someone to see if you START liking them, are you kidding me? Thats just crazy talk right there. I don’t think you should date anyone right now because you don’t seem to know what you want.

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