How to get a guy to like me?

How do I get a guy tolike, like me! Please help!!!

Answer #1

well I dont think you can ‘make’ a guy like you because doesn’t matter what you do, he wouldn’t be liking you for you. but if your talking about getting noticed then that’s a completeli different thing. but seriousli, there will be guys that like you for who you are, you just gotta keep looking

Answer #2

Be yourself, and if a certain guy doesn’t like you, you don’t want to date him anyway. Some guy will like you for who you are, but you may not find him right away. You have plenty of time to find a guy who likes you. Just remember don’t be somebody your not just to get a guy. :)

Answer #3

You can’t MAKE him like you but you just need to find a guy who likes you for who you are

Answer #4

you cant make a guy like you if that guy doesnt like you hes obviously not worth it && some day that rite guy will come to you

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