What am I?

Ok I dont know if im a curious bi or bi I know im not straight and I know im not a lez but what am I dont know I need to know please please please help ask question just help please?

Answer #1

ok your bisexual you like both men and women or your straight or your lez which you already said you were not so it is indicating you are indeed a bisexual

Answer #2

Don’t expcet yourself to know right now - time will tell what you are. You just need to be patient and you’ll figure it out eventually. Try dating a girl to see what its like. The more you experiment, the faster you’ll know.

Answer #3

thats the thing I’ve never experimented before or anything like I’ve seen prn guys and girls I perfer girl prn though but I’ve seen like girls boobs and vagina before but I was younger but thats the thing I have a boyfriend and like its hard to find out my sexuality thats all am I a curious bi or actualy bi?

Answer #4

Don’t worry. You are young and right now your still discovering your sexuality. As you get older you start to experiment and you’ll learn more and more about who you are. You might be straight, you might be a lesbian, and theres a chance you could be bi. When I was in gr.8 I had about 6 friends who all thought they were bi - now, 4 years later, they have all gone one way or the other.

Answer #5

Give yourself time to find out if your into to both boyys and girls or just girls or just boyys.

Answer #6

do you like girls? and do you like guys? at the same time?

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