What was your most embarassing kiss?

I’m quite bored lol. so anyone got any stories about your most embarassing kissing situation? (: Well to add on to this, mine was when me and my boyfriend were in a pool. We we’re getting into it (he was straddled onto me, I was feeling him up and down and we were wrapped onto each other lol) And we gave each other short cute kisses. Well one of them, I decided to makeout with him for alittle bit, so I did and when we did for a couple of moments, our mouths went underneath the surface of the water and water got into our mouths and we both pulled away, coughing and laughing . omg it was so funny. Now tell me yours :D

Answer #1

This wasn’t embarrassing, so much as it was, stupid. I was kissing a guy and you know how you’ll try different things? You do the swirl with your tongues, then take turns sucking on each others tongues. I thought it indicated to him, how I would be in other areas, if you know what I mean. Anyway, I guess we got bored and started bumping and grinding each others teeth. Ouch!

Answer #2

It wasn’t really embarrassing but my ex and I tried to kiss each other upside down once and it was really weird, didn’t quite work too well.

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