Does he hate me?

k, theres this guy im head over heels for that I recently became friends with. and like I asked him a question abut sometin but he hasn’t replied back. How should I respond? please hep me

Answer #1

k, thxx!! but I’ve been waiting for two almost two weeks. Do you think I should still wait?

Answer #2

Maybe hes busy or something - I don’t know, just be patient I guess. Definitly doesn’t mean he hates you, hate is a very powerful word.

Answer #3

Just wait for him to reply. Don’t get needy & annoying and bug him about it. He probaby just hasn’t gotten around to it. No big.

Answer #4

dont beat yourself up about it maybe he lost the comment or might not be interested I do it every once in a while to girls that arent my or maybe he is realy shy and is afraid of you you seem like a cute girl so I bet there are other guys just around the corner waiting for your comments

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