My sister's fiance

Ok so my sister is 24 and is plenty old enough to make her own decisions. But she has a boyfriend that is just ridiculous in my eyes. He is 28 and has not graduated from high school.he doesn’t have his driver’s liscense ad isn’t even trying to get either one. He has just asked my sister to marry him and she already has 2 children with him. (she said yes) He moved her to indiana where his family is and none of her friends or family are there. But he still goes all the way to cedar point to work because he doesn’t want to work at walmart or anyplce near by because he’s “picky”. When he’s not at cedar pooint they’re living on welfare and unemployment. We try to get her to see what she is doing and we tell her what she needs to make sure he does if he wants things to work out. But she fights it because she loves him. what? Are they going to live on unemployment and welfare for the rest of their lives while hes got months out of the year from home. Your opinion?

Answer #1

Love is blind… apparently in this case it’s also deaf and dumb… Look, there’s probably not much you’re going to be able to say at this point… she had two kids with him and moved states to be with him. She knows he has no ambitions and apparently no prospects for the future, but still made that choice… She’s probably hoping he’ll settle down and grow up… I wouldnt push too hard. The more you push, the less likely she is to come back and admit she made a mistake when she realizes that she did…

Answer #2

Your sister’s primary concern should be her children.

Ask her what kind of home her boyfriend would be able to provide for their “family”. It seems that right now the answer would be not much of one.

No diploma means horrible job prospects. He’s going to either leech off of your sister or they’ll all go on welfare. Fun huh?!

Tell her to be realistic about their potential future together. She needs to dump him and set her standards higher for her KIDS sake.

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