Love & Relationships Questions

  1. Why do I have the worst luck?
  2. Have you been raped??
  3. How do I get over someone I never had?
  4. Too cocky
  5. This is a total mess!
  6. I like his friend.
  7. My sister raped me
  8. Have you ever watched porn with your girlfriend?
  9. I dont know what to do
  10. Ex Sends Depressed SMSs
  11. My boyfriend and I live 1265 miles away from each other
  12. I like the new boy at school and im not sure if he likes me.
  13. Eyes will dialate a little if he likes you, is that true?
  14. How do I attract boys attention without acting stupid or weird
  15. How do I make it clear to this chick to leave him alone?!
  16. One sided love
  17. I really like her
  18. What is the best insult you can make up
  19. What is means when a guy says...
  20. Why is he being so difficult?
  21. I didn't realise what I had until I lost him.
  22. How can I get him to like me? Or even just be friends?
  23. What are friends with benifets
  24. Should I get him back and how?
  25. Is that true what people say that there are 7 women for every man
  26. Love or no love
  27. Boyfriend wants to travel, many stumbles
  28. Am I doing the right thing not emailing him?
  29. Me and my fiancee
  30. What should I do...
  31. How do I get out of this?
  32. Can you get a date on cragslist?
  33. Need Serious Advice
  34. How to get her to talk more?
  35. Let me revise my last question...
  36. How do I advise my friend.
  37. Is it big or small
  38. Paige Taylor Rachel
  39. Who are you going out with?
  40. How can I rekindle a lost friendship
  41. Why is my brother still being a baby?
  42. Is it normal to like younger boys?
  43. Would you rather??:
  44. I really like one of my best friends..
  45. Is there signs that my boyfriend is cheating on me?
  46. Does he still like me?
  47. Boys are confusing
  48. What to get for boyfriend of two weeks?
  49. Yay for boy problems
  50. Why do I keep thinking about him?
  51. Bff and boyfriend problems
  52. Shes not a true friend, but I dont want to be mean.
  53. Friends with Benefits
  54. Best friends- well used to be!
  55. Young relationships
  56. Young girls and pregnancy.
  57. Engaged at 18... How do I tell?
  58. How to talk to guys online
  59. Feeling blue because my relationship ended.
  60. What Makes guys like you?
  61. Why dont guys notice me?
  62. Does the word cocky come from the word c0ck?
  63. How do you tell if a guy likes you?
  64. Why do guys act like jerks
  65. Are we just friends?
  66. How do you drop a friend?
  67. How much porn is too much?
  68. Saying 'You can do better' doesn't help me!
  69. My Friends Chatting Man is double or tripple her age
  70. Is it normal for me and my friends to watch porn?
  71. Should she trust him?
  72. My bff became a backstabber
  73. Why him!!!
  74. Does she like me
  75. What is the significance of a guy extending both his hands?
  76. Mixed signals need advice
  77. Not that bad right?
  78. Now I'm nervous to have the Man I'm involved with come out.
  79. Do you have to have a big penis to pop a girls Cherry
  80. Will it last ?
  81. Stay away from your best friend
  82. Are girls just as horny?
  83. When to say it?
  84. How can you get a guy to admit he likes you?
  85. He cares about me
  86. I dont want to mess up!
  87. How to prevent my friends from being jealous?
  88. Child support
  89. Does she like me?
  90. Guy troubles. Please help!
  91. A girl I like..please help
  92. What do guys find hot in a girl
  93. Love between two people
  94. How can I regain trust...
  95. My sister wants to get high
  96. when did you lose your virginity
  97. Love And Pain
  98. I think my boyfriend likes my other friend
  99. All these feelings coming back
  100. What kind of nickname women like to be called?