Why him!!!

I like a girl, but she is going out with another guy who isn’t right for her! And I love her sooo much, what should I do to show her I am the one for her?

Answer #1

Yep, just be a good friend to her for now, and like ncchillguy90 said, you don’t really know if the guy she’s with is good for her or not. Life’s like that, you don’t get what you want all the time.

Answer #2

for right now be a great friend. be there for her when he screws her over because if he really isn’t right for her he probably will. who knows maybe she’ll realize what she’s missing but since she’s in a relationship you can’t really intefere with it. it wouldn’t be right. good luck!

Answer #3

You are the one for her? Thats only YOUR opinion! Obviously she feels differently!

Answer #4

If you really like her just be a good friend to her until she has finaly realized that your the one for her and not the other guy

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