I didn't realise what I had until I lost him.

Well this boy and me were close and we would flirt a lot and talk too much and he kinda fell deep in love with me and kinda liked him we used to meet up the city a lot but I dint feel right as he was 2years older then me and what my parents would say which is stupid but anyway they met him and some party and they think hes anice boy and they thought I went out with him anway I couldnt stand being with him face to face I felt more comfy talking to him over the internet but anyway I went on holiday and we met before I went off on my holiday and when I come back I was seemed to forgotton about and he was hanging out with other girls but my bestmate said maybe he moved on because he got nothing out off me no kisses until I new he was right (we wasent going out) but anyway we felt out.. For 2weeks + a day I missed him a lot and my bestmates boyfriend got him to unblock me from msn and we had been chatting a little but I dint expect us to chat a lot as we did but its only be 2days + half now but we hardly still chat and I realise I really love him + I want to be with him my mates boyfriend said I should tell him how I feel but I now hes got a girl on the list and we hardly speak like the same so im gna wait for the time but I really miss him and I’ve had dreams off him for the last 4 days and they all had him in tbh. I dont now what to do and im always the one starting the conversation off and really I just atleast want him to say hello first. And I dont have a quesiton rli but I dno what to do tbh . :(

Answer #1

I went through this. I had an ex boyfriend I thought I liked. but when I broke up with him I missed him so much I cried about it… so he moved 100 miles away && fell in love with another girl… all I did was get him out of my head && let another guy sweep me off my feet. it may hurt now, but maybe its fate, && theres a guy right around the corner, waiting for you… someday, all will be better.. since he moved on with his life you should too, && if its meant to be, he’ll come back for you.. if not, your true love will find you. Id hate to see you live your life around this boy && miss opportunities. Hope ii helped!!!<3

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