Are we just friends?

Hi, so where do I begin. There is a girl that I have been hanging out with lately. We started out just working together for a few months and became good friends. We hung out a lot and all of my friends would give me crap about us “dating”. They knew that she had a boyfriend but would jokingly suggest that there was something going on with us. I am also kind of friends with her boyfriend. We are all in college still so we still go out to the bars on a regular occasions. She regularly complains about how her boyfriend doesn’t ever go out, and frequently refers to him as being “gay”. She comes over to my place a lot and we hang out and we spend a lot of time together. She has told me, when I have talked about my relationships with other girls, that I deserve someone “really great”. I often wonder if she would be that person. Is there something more than friendship going on here? I can’t tell what the future holds. I just want some advice on how to approach the situation and what you think is going on.

Answer #1

Well, referring to your detailed problem, I don’t think this is going to work out. She comes to you for comfort, for friendship. If she’s not sexual around you then that’s a hint to say that she’s a friend. You’re also hanging out with her boyfriend so you should get rid of the thought that you two will become anything more than a pair of buddies. There’s always time to wait it out and see if she confesses anything. Oh and don’t mention that you’re having thoughts of you two being together, chances are she’ll feel awkward and tell her boyfriend and that’s the end of a beautiful relationship. Who knows? I might some be some stupid kid and you two will live happily ever after. Haha go with your guts. P E A C E!

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