Not that bad right?

How bad is this… I have a huge thing for the guy me cousin is in love with. He doesn’t see her as more thena friend and when we met, omg it just clicked. Thats never happened to me before, I’m going out of town to see him. He wants to take me to the movies, and my mom flipped because he’s a few years older then me. So she said I can’t go unless she meets him, so he totally agreed to see her and even invited her to go with us this once if it would make her feel better about me being with him. My cousin started a lot of rumors about me, and she told him I thought he was ugly and had herpies just so he wouldn’t talk to me. If he doesn’t like her, and I like him isn’t it ok to go for it even though she loves him?is

Answer #1

It seems wrong,but to me I don’t think it is…I mean its true its not your fault he likes you and not her,and besides no1 can really tell their heart what to matter how hard you try you cant tell your heart that you dont like the boy without hurting urself …I personally wouldn’t mind if my because or even best friend went out with a guy who I liked knowing he liked her and not me…I mean its feelings and you cant control them..but some people are just very jealous..and its not very nice what she did..and he sounds like a pretty cool guy…I might be wrong,but people are different and they take things different ways…good luck with the guy!!!=)and hope your because understands…I mean he might be your soul mate,lol,and you cant marry your…but yeah good luck once again..=)

Answer #2

put yourself in her position how would you like it and like somenoe else said who means more to you?? and do you see the relationship going anywere

Answer #3

no, that’s crappy to your cousin. doesn’t seem fair to you right? but who matter’s more to you- him or her?

you need to ask her if she cares. turn the situation around, what if she did that to you?

Answer #4

If he’s not interseted in her then go for it, its not your fault she didn’t click with him and if she’s gunna play dirty then all the more reason to be with him.

Answer #5

I would hate it if she did that to me. but knowing her she wouldn’t care. she lies about me a lot, talks behind my back, shes a real backstabber sometimes but when she’s not I love her. I’ve learned that I can’t change her and not to hate her for what she does to me. her mom is the same so she can’t really help it. and I feel bad because I know she’s not ok with it, she’s lied to keep me away from him to both me and him. but she goes through guys like candy and I really like him. I dont want to wait around for her to throw him away like all the other guys and end up missing my chance… gah I dunno.

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