Should I get him back and how?

I really want my x back but I know he likes me and he goes out with an older girl but how do I get him back???

xxoo :)

Answer #1

** I did tell him and he’s still going out with her. Does that mean he still like’s me??> Obviously NOT, or he would be with you!!!

Answer #2

its possible he still has feelings for you but not enough to want to be with you again so you should let it go. unless he’s trying to make you jealous, you’d probably rather have a guy who truly loves you. besides even if you did end up getting him to go back out with you, it wouldn’t be real because he didn’t make the descision himself. good luck

Answer #3

well if he’s with someone else there’s really nothing you can do. even if he does like you don’t you think he’s with that other girl for a reason? the only thing to do is tell him how you feel & then let it go. unless he’s willing to break up with his girlfriend for you then he doesn’t like you enough.

Answer #4

I did tell him and he’s still going out with her.Does that mean he still like’s me??

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