How do you tell if a guy likes you?

So my cousins cousin asked me for my number. He also told me that his bro was trying to hit on me.

We text and he hasnt text me for about a month now. Is it because he wants me to text him first?

He texted me first for our first convo

He texted me first for are second

I texted him first for are third but he wrote the last text

Is it my turn to text first? Is he waitin? Or does he just not like me anymore?

Do guys just not think about that kind of stuff or is it just a girl thing.

Answer #1

well it depends how you come off to him in your conversations. if you don’t show you really want to talk to him he’ll probably take it as you don’t care & he’ll find a new girl to text. usually guys don’t think that deeply into these things. I doubt hes waiting for you to text him again because seeing that you texted him for your third conversation & he didn’t keep the conversations going shows he’s not really interested anymore.

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