Politics & Law Questions

  1. what do you believe to be american & or democratic ideals?
  2. what happens if oboma wins?
  3. Matter of Opinion
  4. What's the difference between the Taliban and al-Qaeda?
  5. McCopy cat?
  6. Specific examples of government corruption
  7. Did Obama really not salute the flag?
  8. which speech was better 0bama or Mccain.
  9. is sara palin an asset or liability for the republican party?
  10. Can Obama manage both ?
  11. Are any of these statements not-true ?
  12. Would you vote for or against ?
  13. What Qualifications does a V-P need?
  14. What are your Presidential desires?
  15. Is anyone else tired of political name-calling?
  16. If the Republicans win the election, is all this possible?
  17. does sarah palin look like tina fey from snl ?
  18. Did McCain overlook more qualified female candidates?
  19. Was Biden more qualified ?
  20. What percentage would you say ?
  21. Dick Cheneys daughter?
  22. In America, does this opportunity exist ?
  23. What's the difference democrat and republican
  24. Is it some women or all ?
  25. If your father in law was running for president, what would you do?
  26. I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a “community organizer"
  27. Did anyone else find this offensive?
  28. Obama or Mc Cain?
  29. Who here hates politics?
  30. What do you all think about India?
  31. Oops - should Palin have walked out?
  32. Would anyone ask this question ?
  33. Gov Palin's speech
  34. How difficult is life in the US?
  35. Anyone going to watch the Sarah Palan speech tonight?
  36. More important to see a black person or woman in office finally?
  37. Is Sarah Palin's underage daughter drinking alcholol an issue?
  38. Amnesty for illegal immigrants
  39. No college educated women would vote for her ?
  40. Who do you think it would be a better president
  41. Is the ability of a woman being questioned ?
  42. Who do you want to be president?
  43. What is the problem with people questioning Obama's past?
  44. How can Sarah Palin care of her family going to Washington?
  45. VP canidate Palin's 17 year old daughter is pregnant, problem?
  46. Do you want the millions of ex-cons to return to crime?
  47. Universal healthcare?
  48. The Election (presidential)
  49. Should NATO rethink expansion?
  50. brought to the u.s. illegal as a child
  51. Strong American Schools
  52. John McCain's running mate?
  53. Focused on his name?
  54. Military and anxiety?
  55. Legal weed
  56. Obama Speech?
  57. What do you think of americans!
  58. 10 billion dollars per month in Iraq, is it really worth it?
  59. Did you all know that MCaine picked Sarah Pilling for VP??
  60. Brits in America
  61. Obama Speech Tonite
  62. Obama or McCain
  63. Columbus day or lief ericson day?
  64. What is your opinion on casinos doing this?
  65. United States Marine Corp
  66. John McCain announces his plan to end the housing sell off.
  67. What does "empower the towers" mean?
  68. Voting for the lesser evil
  69. Abortion right or Wrong?
  70. Regretful Wars
  71. Convention tonight
  72. Weed illegal yet alcohol/cigarettes not?
  73. Liberal society or Conservitive society?
  74. What are your thoughts on Obamas new running mate?
  75. Obama will pick, who?
  76. what do people think about amy winehouse?
  77. candidates running for pres who do you think should win?
  78. Is it in our own national security interests ?
  79. Why did McCain skip on the vote to tax the oil companies?
  80. Michael Phelps
  81. Indians, Settlers, Land, John Wayne
  82. america vs other developed countries
  83. What does point blank mean?
  84. Liberal vs libertarian.
  85. How does the president control bureaucracy?
  86. Obama or mcain?
  87. How would you have the world.
  88. Do Americans hate France?
  89. Can we change this?
  90. How important do you consider your vote?
  91. A question about Barack Obama
  92. What do you think of this digusting act of terrorism?
  93. War in Russia
  94. Do americans get offended when called yanks
  95. Why do americans think they are irish
  96. The key to your survival - brains or compassion?
  97. Who thinks its a disgrace
  98. Someone tried to kill Obama?
  99. Will Hillary overshadow Obama ?
  100. Why do people bother to question leaders?