Is it some women or all ?

Libs and Feminists have proclaimed: We are all for the advancement of women - we now have a woman who is a hair away from reaching a position none have reached before - Are they wanting the advancement of ALL women or just some women ?

Answer #1

This is America, and every woman can walk through every door of opportunity.

Answer #2

‘Women as a sex’ - her sex IS women/woman - obviously she is of the same female gender as ALL women - so ovbviously you’re saying ‘some’ women.

Answer #3

WOW Captainasassin, you sure dont know much about what you are talking about, but there are many ignorant , uncaring, selfish people out there who think its ok to kill babies, you aren’t alone…I feel sorry for you!

Answer #4

When was he being Immature? He was just answering your questions… McCain doesn’t want to ‘kill your babies’ he just wants to send them off to war in fifty years or one hundred. He doesn’t care how long it will take to win the war in iraq, he just doesn’t want to lose something that’s not even worth it!!!


Answer #5

Jimahl, you sure think you know the family like you live next door. What do you know happens in their house? How can you say she is a bad mother because her daughter made a mistake and made some bad choices..she is a good mom for being there for her children!! Period! and to CAPTAINASSASSIN, YES the Bible does say abortion is WRONG!!! MURDER is wrong! which is what abortion is and the Bible says that is WRONG!!!

Answer #6

Wow… you ARE delusional. You’ve stooped to projecting all of YOUR personal short-comings onto me. That’s really pathetic…

Oh, and you’re still making the Christians look bad… work on that… the rest of the week. I’ll re-evaluate you after that.

Answer #7

keep talkin’ Think anyone cares anymore? Who you fighting? So much anger and bitterness…keep venting… have a good night and rest of the week..I know I plan on it! :)

Answer #8

The idea that feminists should support a political candidate based solely on her gender is laughable - particularly when that candidate opposes the very views the feminists espouse.

And for those claiming the bible condemns abortion: Citations, please!

Answer #9

The Bible teaches that life begins at conception, obviously you don’t have an understanding of the Bible.

Obviously YOU haven’t READ the whole thing.

Answer #10

Liberals are pro choice. Feminists do not recognize the man as the head of the household. And that is all biblical, so I would say some women.

Answer #11


You can’t even acknowledge what I just said. There are things about your religion that you just don’t know, and in this case… don’t want to believe. Well, deal with it… I’m right.

I know you want your opinion to be validated by your religion… but it doesn’t.

…and I never said it was okay to kill babies.

Answer #12

…I’m not contradicting myself. I never said its okay to kill babies, WHAT I SAID was ‘the bible doesn’t say abortion is wrong’, and ‘the bible DOES NOT view a fetus as a person.’

If abortion was murder, it would be illegal. But its not… deal with it…

You need to pay more attention… you might learn something… but I doubt it…

Answer #13

Senator McCain may have chosen an fun new side kick,, but he has grossly underestimated the intelligence of women with this calculated choice. I have NO problem with a woman being on any ticket but I thought that McCain would have selected Elizabeth Dole, Olympia Snowe, or Susan Molinari.

But McCain caved to the Evangelical right and picked a hyper-Christian “hockey mom” who is to the womans’ movement what Clarence Thomas is to modern jurisprudence.

Answer #14

Wait, I think I get it. Are you insinuating that because I don’t support Palin, I’m not a feminist? LOL! Being a feminist and believing that women should have EQUAL rights to men, does not mean I have to support every single woman in power. I would never support a woman who doesn’t agree with a female’s right to choose. Or who puts bounties on shooting wolves from planes. Or who has a drunk, pregnant underage daughter. Those aren’t my values.

Does that mean I don’t feel excitement that a woman is up for VP? No, I think that’s pretty great. But I don’t like her. And I don’t have to, to be a feminist.

Answer #15

Why are you calling Palin’s husband a drunk. He got the DUI 20 years ago. Have you ever been drunk? Have you ever drove a car while under the influence. I only takes one beer to make you leagally intoxicated if you drive a car within 1 hour of drinking it.

You want to look at his mistake, what about Obama’s admission of cocaine use. At least Palin’s husband was using a substance that is legal. To my knowledge cocaine is still an illeagal drug.

Captain, Obviously you don’t know the Bible very well, because it teaches that life begins at conception. I you go to the book of Genesis you will find where Lots daughters got him drunk and conceived with child. So you are very wrong with your statement.

Answer #16

Thanks all for your insightful comments, appreciate it !!

lol. you crack me up.

Answer #17

“It’s because of people like YOU, that Christianity is so divided.”

Amen captain…

Answer #18

and what school project is this for?..

Answer #19


The bible doesn’t say abortion is wrong…

Answer #20

amblessed, what you wrote doesn’t make sense to me.

What are you even asking me?

Answer #21

No, I’m saying women want to see females as a whole reach greater hights.

Answer #22

Women as a sex, not an individual woman.

Answer #23

If you want the exact quote it’s in exodus 21…

“And if men struggle with each other and strike a woman with child so that she has a miscarriage, yet there is no [further] injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman’s husband may demand of him; and he shall pay as the judges decide. But if there is any [further] injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.”

The expulsion of a fetus is not considered to be murder, because as it says the penalty is simply a fine… the penalty for life is life…

Perhaps you should read up more on your proclaimed faith…

Answer #24

hmm well, my”religion” as you call it is Christianity..I profess to be a Christian and a Christian alone! I hear loud and clear what you are saying so, yes Captainassassin, I acknowledge what you are saying …(happy now?) Do I still agree? NOPE! Never will! Abortion is murder at any stage of pregnancy…if it isnt a baby, they were never pregnant to begin with!! So, if you now are saying, “…and I never said it was okay to kill babies.” you are just contradicting yourself. Abortion is murder at any stage of the preg. So …It is useless to “debate” such issues with someone like you…I know where you stand and you know where I stand, I am NOT here to fight, argue or to put you down or anyone else or to be put down, I am just saying you are wrong in the area. Scripture DOES say murder IS wrong and abortion IS killing a baby!!!
There is no more I need to come out here to “Debate” because like I said, I’m NOT here to fight! Done Deal!!!

Answer #25

Nope, dude, get the verbiage straight. It’s ALL women, not ONE WOMAN, singular.

Getting a WOMAN seperatist into the white house is complete horse pucky. If you believe Alaska OR any other state has a right to seperate from the union, you’re out of touch.

Should California follow suite? 1/5 of all the Americans live here, and alone, we’re the 8th largest economy in the world. We have the highest standards of environmental controls, we have the highest standards for recycling & alternative energy.

However, not all the MONEY that siphoned off the economy HERE pays for Californians. So if we vote in Palin, can California follow Alaska in bailing on the union?

YES? If not, then buy a clue & don’t vote for her.

As somebody who’s proud to say that my WIFE owns the business and manages it, I like to think that I’m the camp of advancement for women. Do you know how many female tech executives there are? A tiny, dismal number.

Bottom line: you’re following party rhetoric, you’re not studying the issues at hand.

Answer #26

I think that they want some advantage of some women since they think that only some women will have a chance to ever run for office. It’ll be so wonderful to have Sarah Palin in office.

Answer #27

editor, its sad to see people back the “rights” to kill an innocent life(abortion) It IS WRONG! Scripturally, morally and in any other form there could be. Palin is a good choice I think so far from what I have seen.Do I believe in EVERYTHING she stands for? Probably not, but she is just human like the rest of us, but in the major important things, I think she is on track. As far as her daughter being pregnant, Is every choice our children make the parents fault? So, her daughter got pregnant, how many people put here who have children who have been in trouble in many different ways, being drugs, drinking, sex and yes even getting pregnant…I support her even more for the fact that her daughter did get herself into a situation(this would of happened whether she was in the role she is in now or just a common person like you and I) and she is there to support and love her and not disown her like a lot of kid’s parents do. Does her role change her daughter getting pregnant, probably not…but she is there to encourage and be there for her family NO MATTER what. Thats the kind of people we need as role models for our country.

Answer #28

“Should California follow suite? 1/5 of all the Americans live here, and alone, we’re the 8th largest economy in the world. We have the highest standards of environmental controls, we have the highest standards for recycling & alternative energy.”

Frankly, I’ve always hoped that California would succeed from the nation…it’d save the rest of us a lot of money…and consternation…

You forgot to mention, it’s going broke faster than any other state.

Answer #29

…read scriptures? THAT’S WHERE I GOT IT FROM. Its in the Old Testament.

You clearly don’t know enough about Christianity to have a valid opinion. Just like the countless number of Christians who manipulate their faith, to justify their OWN opinions. You don’t know enough… and you don’t WANT to learn more… you’re content with what you were told… it’s pathetic. It’s because of people like YOU, that Christianity is so divided.

Answer #30

Obviously many only want the advancement of woman Democrats when it comes to high political offices. They are a political party, after all.

The Democrats had a woman vice-presidential candidate in 1984, Geraldine Ferraro, and the Republicans attacked her as well. Would you also say that incident indicated that the Republican party is misogynistic, or would you just chalk that one up to politics?

Answer #31

I would be excited about any woman reaching high places in politics. Of course, I’d rather it be someone who stood up for the rights of women, unlike Palin. But it’s still better than another crusty old white man running for VP.

Do you know what feminism is amblessed?

It’s “believing that women should have EQUAL rights to men”. Are you really against that?

Answer #32


Your distortion of reality is beyond disgusting. You do it with religion, politics, and life in general, I would imagine.

I cannot even fathom what its like to continuously lie to yourself like this. Is living a lie just… HAPPIER than living in reality?

Answer #33

Like I said, if it isn’t a person(a baby) from the beginning, then the person was NEVER pregnant to begin with. Read your scriptures! Where does it say that it ISN’T a baby? It DOESN’T!!! So, throwing out now sarcastic comments to be rude and has nothing to do with the topic to make yourself look like you know what you are saying is real mature there! Can’t have a disagreement without slinging mud? How old are you? GROW UP!!! Go ahead, keep talking, I’m not coming back to read your replies or to respond to such stupidity & immaturity!

Answer #34

…This is America, and every woman can walk through every door of opportunity.

Wrong, in America, McCain voted against the equal treatment of women law. :) Let’s not forget, typically, women get paid LESS than men do for the same work.

Yep, equal opportunity my foot.

If Palin wanted to campgain on that & say that McCain was WRONG to vote against that bill, again, I’d be happy.

She didn’t do that, though, did she? Instead, she blasted Obama & Biden, both of whom voted for it…

Answer #35

No… it doesn’t consider a fetus to be a person. Which is why IN the Bible, when a man strikes a pregnant woman, causing her to miscarraige, he’s not held responsible for the loss of the fetus, only the physical damage he caused to the woman.

Answer #36

The Bible teaches that life begins at conception, obviously you don’t have an understanding of the Bible. To call Palin’s husband a drunk is pretty tacky. Your great hero Obama admits to using Cocaine at 22. I don’t hear you smearing him for that, oh maybe its because he didn’t get caught. It sounds as though you liberal democrats are for the advancement of women so long as it is someone who thinks like you. Palin when the republicans take the office of Pres. and VP will break down a wall of seperation for all women. You should be glad for that.

Answer #37

“Frankly, I’ve always hoped that California would succeed from the nation…it’d save the rest of us a lot of money…and consternation..”

Yeah, we’d be much better off without the massive agricultural output, training ground for engineers and researchers, and billions of dollars in tax revenue and contribution to GDP that California provides.

Better to keep a state like Montana, with its…uh, remind me again, why should we keep Montana? Why didn’t we just let the Freemen have their way?

I digress…

Answer #38

To call Palin’s husband a drunk is pretty tacky. Your great hero Obama admits to using Cocaine at 22.

Trying cocaine and ABUSING alcohol are two different things.

Captain, Obviously you don’t know the Bible very well, because it teaches that life begins at conception. I you go to the book of Genesis you will find where Lots daughters got him drunk and conceived with child. So you are very wrong with your statement.

I know the Bible better than most of the Christians on this site, including you… but you’ll eventually learn that… whether you like it or not. Case in point, since you fail to even acknowledge the biblical contradiction (of which the bible is full of), you fail to have a valid opinion.

Answer #39,0,1290251.story

everyone should read this, it pretty much sums it up for me

Answer #40

They can’t… all they can do is equivicate abortion to MURDER, which by definition AND by scripture is NOT accurate.

There is no reference to the term ‘abortion’ at all in the bible. The closest reference is to that of a ‘forced miscarriage’ (which is practically the same thing, the scripture was cited earlier). And no penalty for murder of loss of human life is ever mentioned…

Answer #41

phrannie, that’s cute :)

I blame Schwarzennegger for that - he has only hurt the state so far, and not helped.

It’d be interesting to see what % of money the California produces stays here, versus what % is contributed to the federal government. To be honest, I have no idea, however, it has to be something, as the federal government isn’t free, nor is the war in Iraq, etc, and that’s not paid for with state funds, it’s paid with federal ones.

Irregardless of opinions on statehood vs federal government (aren’t Republicans supposed to be FOR state rights over Federal obligations), but it seems like Palin is taking it too far with the secession bit.

Back on topic: if we had more women running more businesses with more equal opportunities, society as a whole would be better off. The only reason my wife & I are still in business 2.5 years after starting is because six months into it, she took over, and I now manage other stuff.

And, on FunAdvice from a day to day operational perspective, again, it’s a woman (Dara) that runs things, I’m not here as much as she is. For the most part, it’s her call (judgement, opinion, etc) with regards to how to interpret the rules & get things done.

Since she started running the site in Feb, it’s grown by 50%…not bad, if I do say so myself. FunAdvice is now one of the biggest 1,000 sites in the US.

If that’s not clear, I don’t know what is. Supporting Palin is NOT equal to supporting women’s rights.

Answer #42

The whole ‘come on, I’m ready to fight’ attitude.

Hmmm… I only brought something to your attention that you DIDN’T KNOW. And YOU responded with aggression, and YOU escalated the discussion to the point of throwing random insults… not me (you failed to respond to THAT as well… typical).

and BTW< Not coming out here anymore to ‘debate’

Yeah, you already said that before… but didn’t live up to it…

If you knew anything about the Bible it is broken up into different dispensations, this is why it says rightly dividing the word of truth.

If YOU knew anything about the Bible, you wouldn’t be referencing the KJV. And you’re still avoiding the abortion/miscarraige connection.

and I would appreciate it if you would refrain from calling me names because I happen to hold a different view than you. Most people who are insecure abort to this kind of tactic.

Your pal ‘puglover’ is the one throwing out insults… she was the first, and the one continuing to do so. Since my comments are purely reactive in nature, if someone stoops to insults, I’ll play along. They’ll either realize they can’t keep up, give up, or get banned in the process. Either of which is fine…

Name one, but if you name anything make sure you do it in the context that it is meant.

That’s funny. How exactly can anyone KNOW the context that it is meant? Were any of us there when it was written? No. But since you’ve been avoiding it, go ahead and address the abortion issue.

Answer #43

“As far as her daughter being pregnant, Is every choice our children make the parents fault? So, her daughter got pregnant, how many people put here who have children who have been in trouble in many different ways, being drugs, drinking, sex and yes even getting pregnant…”

Every choice? Not necessarily. But a series of bad choices certainly shows a lack of parental guidance.

We know she chose, and was apparently allowed, to date a guy who wrote on his myspace page: “I’m a f - - -in’ redneck” who likes to snowboard and ride dirt bikes. But I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some s- - - and just f - - -in’ chillin’ I guess.”, and this little ditty: “Ya f - - - with me I’ll kick [your] a - -,”. What a charming young man…

We know she chose to drink alchohol. A lot.

And we know she chose to have unprotected sex with a self-proclaimed redneck.

Those kinds of choices would not lead me to believe the parenting skills were very good.

“I support her even more for the fact that her daughter did get herself into a situation(this would of happened whether she was in the role she is in now or just a common person like you and I) and she is there to support and love her and not disown her like a lot of kid’s parents do. “

So you are supporting her even more because she didn’t disown her young daughter when Palin’s own parenting skills failed the her in the first place.

Answer #44

“there are many ignorant , uncaring, selfish people out there who think its ok to kill babies, you aren’t alone…I feel sorry for you!”

You do realize that when the Hebrews conquered Canaan, their leaders (speaking on behalf of God) frequently directed them to slaughter entire populations, including infant children? You’ve read the story of the Battle of Jericho, right? And of course the stories of how God himself wiped out entire cities, and all of humanity through flooding? The Bible’s “good guys” killed babies all the time. Or didn’t you learn about that in Sunday school?

Do you realize how mentally unbalanced a person has to be to hoist a spear and plunge it into a baby? Why would you use Biblical reasoning to justify your position at all?

Answer #45

editor - so you’re saying (as cited below) 1) ‘workplace rights’ does not include ‘advancement in position’ and 2) ‘other forms of discrimination’ means if a woman is barred from being supported for advancement by any group (here libs / feminists), that is not a form of discrimination - Is that correct ?

Researched: Feminist activists have campaigned for women’s legal rights (rights of contract, property rights, voting rights); for women’s right to bodily integrity and autonomy, for abortion rights, and for reproductive rights (including access to contraception and quality prenatal care); for protection from domestic violence, sexual harassment and rape;>> for workplace rights > other forms of discrimination <<.

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