In America, does this opportunity exist ?

This is America, and every woman can walk through every door of opportunity - True or False ?

Answer #1

Obama selected the best person for VP.

McCain selected the worst set of ovaries for VP. If he was selecting based on substance I would have expected Elizabeth Dole, Olympia Snowe, or even Susan Molinari.

Answer #2

It’s open about 8/10ths of the way…Hillary managed to be born in a situation where she could get great schooling, and fell in love with a soon-to-be President. She has had to fight to get the door all the way open.

amblessed, are you honestly saying you think women have it equal in this country?

Answer #3


Women in America still get paid 80 cents to every dollar that men get paid, on average.

That door shuts a lot quicker for women than it does for men, wouldn’t you say?

Answer #4

So, in the US if a woman can get a job, BUT, is the breadwinner, and she makes less than a coworker, all because of her gender, her family gets passed over by the guys family, simply because in her family, she makes the money.

How is that equal opportunity???

And why is it that McCain shot down the legislation to make it equal? If we were already equal, the bill wouldn’t have happened to make things equal.

I’m sorry, how is it that if we have more women than men in our society, BUT, less women CEO’s…how are we “equal”?

Answer #5

I’d say true. But, yet, I think everyone should have the opportunity to have freedom.

Answer #6

…why didn’t McCain pick Huckabee as HIS?

Answer #7


…he’s been doing it all day…

Answer #8

Still trying to validate your contradictory political views, hmmm?

…give up.

Answer #9

“why didn’t Obama pick Hillary for VP?”

because you don’t put two pitbulls (for the lack of a better word) together in one cage. nothing gets done, it becomes a nasty power struggle

at least not picking hillary helps obama remind her that she’s not in a position to really influence things anymore

Answer #10

To say ‘it shuts’ quicker, you’ve admitted it is open, wouldn’t you say ? - so it would be possible to ‘get through’ as Hillary might have done if she wasn’t rejected.

Answer #11

Nowhere in the question does the word ‘equal’ appear - so no, one should re-read the question - editor, why didn’t Obama pick Hillary for VP ?

Answer #12

Thanks all for your insightful comments, appreciate it !!

Answer #13


Not every woman, but some. Palin is not qualified to serve as president, thus should not be VP. It has nothing to do with her gender.

every man can’t walk through every door of opportunity either.

Another silly question…

Answer #14

Yeahh… why are you writing all these questions about woman?

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