What are your Presidential desires?

Please state whether you are supporing Democrats, Republicans or Independents when you answer this question.

What do you want your President to do during the next four years?

Answer #1

Hmmm. Female porn star.

Wonder if amblessed would have supported her as vehemently.

I never realized he was such a feminist and concerned with women’s right and power.

Answer #2

Supporting the best choice for America - John McCain - a very experienced true American hero - with the scars to prove it that obviously has always loved America, not just suddenly, one day.

Answer #3

True, true.

Answer #4

I am supporting the Boston Tea Party. Yes, that is the name of an actual political party. They held a convention online (got to love ‘em). They’re Libertarian Party breakaways, and their man in 2008 is Charles Jay. He is also helping to advance the cause of women in politics; his vice presidential running mate in 2004 was a 70’s female porn star.

Charles Jay! All the Way! In Aught-Eight!

Answer #5

Well…how about keep a promise? Course, that’s a real “head in clouds” desire…never happened before, so if it did happen THIS TIME…well, we’d get the “change” everybody is talking about…Doesn’t matter which party.

Answer #6

“I never realized he was such a feminist and concerned with women’s right and power.”

Well, to be fair, God only recently gave his approval for the liberation of women in society.

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