No college educated women would vote for her ?

Yesterday nbc reporter andrea mitchell said “only uneducated women would vote for sarah palin” - agree or disagree ?

Answer #1

All they want to do is attack! attack! attack! And, its to the well reserved, well liked, and experienced people who are great Americans with conservative principals.

Wow… delusions exist in politics to…

Answer #2

Let me elaborate a little more on my original answer. See, I do think you need to be educated to understand politics, but I dont think you need to have a college education to have knowledge.

Answer #3

aint that what I said, you dont need to education to vote…I didnt say you didnt need education bout politics, I said YOU DONT NEED A SCHOOL EDUCATION TO..get it…see the difference and captainassassin, how do you vote, if I dont like what they say and if I disagree with them im NOT going to vote for them…

Answer #4

“One photo claimed to show Palin standing poolside, wearing an American flag-themed bikini, toting a rifle with telescopic sight.”

I’m sorry, I just don’t believe someone could Photoshop this. Can you post the pic, or a link to it, so that I can study it and judge for myself whether it’s real? I’m only asking because I’m concerned about the integrity of her campaign.

Answer #5

I disagree. In order to make an informed vote you have to be knowledgeable, not necessarily college educated. I wish Palin were running for the Presidency. I think she would be able to successfully reform the nation’s government much better than both McCain or Obama. Maybe four years from now she would have considered running for President, who knows? Palin for President 2012!!

Answer #6

I’m college educated, and I’m going to vote for the Republican ticket…Why? I’m middle income (real middle income)…I’m already corking over nearly 50% of my income towards taxes…state, Fed, Social Security, Medicare, property taxes, gas taxes, phone taxes, city and county fees…they sneak them in wherever they can…Living life…that’s where most education comes from…College is just a primer.


Answer #7

“My error, she said the ‘not college educated’… Please change the question title: No college educated women will vote for her ? Thank you.”

That’s ok amblessed, most of us realize by now that you just lift your questions from right-wing websites, like NewsBusters, who claim they are “exposing & combating liberal media bias”. And they do that by offer quotes and comments that are misleading, out-of-context, or downright false. I know this is where you got this little tidbit, because your question is identical to their headline of the article.

Knowing it is all a lie, doesn’t this make your question rather moot?

Answer #8

“As people do better, they start voting like Republicans - unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing.” – Karl Rove

Growing up I considered the Republican party to be the party of the successful and the educated. All the doctors and lawyers and most of the teachers I knew were Republicans while people who worked in trades or automotive plants (the main employer where I grew up) were Democrats.

Now I see things generally reversed. Professionals are more likely to be Democrat while blue collar individuals are almost always Republican. Part of this could be where I live now (Texas now but Michigan is where I grew up).

Within the Democratic party Clinton’s strongest support was among blue collar Democrats while Obama’s strongest support came from college educated Democrats. It is probably too early to say how people will respond to Governor Palin.

Answer #9

…yes… Jesus must be so pleased.

Answer #10

Education DOES have something to do with voting, howerver, it should not be the only basis. I dont believe that having a college education makes you “better equiped” for voting. I dont have a college degree, and I feel that I have enough education to make the right choice, in my opinion, for our next president and vice president. So, I didnt go to college, I have to go straight to work. That does not make someone who did go to college more important than I am. It also does not mean that the individual who attended college is smarter than I am. I know many people who have gone to college and still dont have a clue about anything. So, Andrea Mitchell is still wrong in what she said.Oh, and college educated women can still be “working class” as well. A college degree will not promise a better job all of the time.

Answer #11

my dad says that you need to do the research on the individual. Find out where they stand. Find out how they voted on issues before Congress. He says that when you vote present instead of yes or no that you really aren’t taking a stand on anything. That’s why he’s voting for John McCain, because he has a history of taking stands, his convictions are ones he’s willing to die for, and almost did. Obama and Biden haven’t been willing to die for anything.

Answer #12

I disagree with that statement from MBC since anyone educated or not can vote for Sarah Palin. I’m in college but, that doesn’t mean I don’t know anything. What an insult from MBC. I don’t watch that channel. If people aren’t interested in politics, then I wouldn’t judge on it. I don’t think this should have an effect whether people who are educated or not would vote for someone such as Sarah Palin. People at MBC are liberal. All they want to do is attack! attack! attack! And, its to the well reserved, well liked, and experienced people who are great Americans with conservative principals. Also, people who love MBC are the Obama people.

Answer #13

My error, she said the “not college educated” - in her own words:

She appears towards the end.

Please change the question title: No college educated women will vote for her ? Thank you.

Answer #14

no, I disagree, education has nothin to do wit voting, youjust listen to what they say and if you like them youvote for them if youdont, then you dont vote them, you dont have to go through school anmd have high education to know who to vote for…thats really insulting

Answer #15

Actually, she said:

“She is not appealing to the same women who were really voting or supporting Hillary Clinton on ideological issues but they think that they can peel off some of these working class women, not college educated, who, the blue collar women who were voting for Hillary Clinton and may be more conservative on social causes. “ (

If you’re going to try and incite partisan bickering, at least keep things in context, or at the VERY least, use the real quote.

Answer #16

how do you vote, if I dont like what they say and if I disagree with them im NOT going to vote for them…

You said ‘’just listen to them’’ …which is an ignorant way to vote. Politicians are only going to speak about what they think you WANT to hear. Have you ever heard a presidential candidate pointing out the weaknesses of his own campaign? NO. You have to do your own research OUTSIDE the sales pitch.

Answer #17

oh, amblessed. Don’t you EVER tire of posting half-truths and rumors? or do you intend to keep spewing the lies you so pathetically believe?

Answer #18

education has nothin to do wit voting, youjust listen to what they say and if you like them youvote for them if youdont, then you dont vote them

That’s an ignorant way to vote…

Answer #19

HAHAHAHA @ captainassassin.

Everyone just owns you with every question you ask amblessed.

Answer #20
  1. Palin “Joined a Secessionist Political Party”

The Charge: Unsubstantiated Internet reports insisted Palin was once a member of the Alaska Independence Party, which critics call a secessionist political movement and supporters say is dedicated to seeking greater state control over federal lands across Alaska.

The Facts: Palin has been a registered Republican since 1982. There is no record of her ever being a member of the AIP, or any party but the GOP. Palin’s husband has been a member of the AIP in the past, but since 2002 has been a registered independent.

(See: Party Official Says Palin Was Not a Member)

  1. Palin Supported a “Nazi Sympathizer”

The Charge: “Palin was a supporter of Pat Buchanan, a right-winger or, as many Jews call him: a Nazi sympathizer,” Obama Florida spokesman Mark Bubriski was quoted as saying in a Miami Herald article.

The Facts: While mayor of Wasilla, Palin wore a Buchanan button during the sometimes presidential candidate’s 1999 visit. But Palin actually supported Steve Forbes in 2000, and served as a co-chair on his Alaska campaign.

In the weeks after the 1999 report of her wearing the Buchanan button, Palin said: “When presidential candidates visit our community, I am always happy to meet them. I’ll even put on their button when handed one as a polite gesture of respect. … The article may have left your readers with the perception that I am endorsing this candidate, as opposed to welcoming his visit to Wasilla.”

(See: Obama campaign advisor quote is from an e-mail sent to the Miami Herald)

  1. Palin “Wants Creationism Taught in School”

The Charge: Palin opposes the teaching of evolution, and would mandate the teaching of creationism in the state’s public schools.

The Facts: Palin said during her 2006 gubernatorial campaign that she would not push the state Board of Education to add creation-based alternatives to the state’s required curriculum, or look for creationism advocates when she appointed board members. She has kept this pledge, according to the Associated Press.

Palin has spoken in favor of classroom discussions of creationism, in some cases. “I don’t think there should be a prohibition against debate if it comes up in class. It doesn’t have to be part of the curriculum,” Palin told the Anchorage Daily News in a 2006 interview.

(See: ‘Creation science’ enters the race; Palin is only candidate to suggest it should be discussed in schools. By Tom Kizzia, Anchorage Daily News, 27 October 2006)

  1. Palin “Was Nearly Recalled” While Mayor

The Charge: Palin was so controversial as mayor of Wasilla that she was almost recalled by a popular voter movement.

The Facts: The Wasilla City Council considered but never took up a recall motion after she fired a longtime police chief, who subsequently brought a lawsuit. A citizen’s group dropped their recall bid, and a judge ruled Palin had the authority to fire the chief.

(See: Foes Back Off Push to Recall Mayor)

  1. Palin “Opposes Sex Education”

The Charge: Palin opponents say she supported the end of all sex education in public schools. In light of her daughter’s presumably unplanned teen pregnancy, this has been a particularly well discussed Internet topic.

The Facts: “The explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support,” Palin wrote in a 2006 questionnaire distributed among gubernatorial candidates. Palin favors abstinence-based sex education programs.

(See: McCain fought money on teen pregnancy programs, By Sharon Theimer, Associated Press, Sept. 2, 2008)

  1. “This Picture Proves Palin is …”

The Charge: A slew of fake, Photoshopped or misdated photographs on the Internet purport to show Palin in any number of embarrassing or compromising poses. One photo claimed to show Palin standing poolside, wearing an American flag-themed bikini, toting a rifle with telescopic sight.

The Facts: The various photos are being discredited and shown to be fake on a number of Web sites. The original of the so-called bikini shot, probably the best-known of the pictures, was shown to have been taken of another woman, with Palin’s head Photoshopped above the body.

(See: Call to Arms)

  1. Palin is the grandmother, and not the mother, of Trig Palin

The Charge: The most salacious rumor of all, this theory holds that Palin did not give birth to her son Trig in April, and was actually covering up for her daughter, Bristol.

The Facts: There are a number of photographs showing an apparently pregnant Sarah Palin, as well as a number of published eyewitness accounts of her pregnancy. These include First Lady Laura Bush, who says she spoke with a pregnant Palin at a governor’s conference in February. An assignment manager for KTVA news in Anchorage, Cherie Shirey, has also been quoted saying: “We worked with Governor Palin many times in 2008. Our reporters worked her on location and in the studio and I worked with her myself. She was definitely pregnant. You could see it in her belly and her face. The whole idea that Sarah Palin wasn’t pregnant with Trig is completely, absolutely absurd.”

The McCain campaign, in an apparent effort to counteract the rumors, announced last weekend that Bristol Palin is five months pregnant, which indicated she would have become pregnant before Trig was born, and is still pregnant, meaning she isn’t the mother of Trig.

8 ) Palin cheated on her husband Todd

The Charge: Rumors have bee spread alleging Sarah had an affair with her husband’s divorced business partner.

The Facts: Todd’s partner, Scott Richter, filed to have his divorce file sealed, causing the National Enquirer to allege he was trying to hide an affair with Sarah. The judge denied the request to seal the records, so the Smoking Gun went through the records, and found Palin’s name only mentioned in the motion to seal the records. Richter said in his motion he wanted the records sealed, because reporters were using phone numbers, and other information in those records, to violate his privacy, so he felt sealing the records would stop future reporters from contacting him, and others listed in the records. There is absolutely no evidence that Richter and Sarah had an affair. John McCain threatened to sue the National Enquirer over the story, and now with the new evidence, it appears the National Enquirer will need a good lawyer if McCain moves ahead with the lawsuit.

Answer #21

It’s nice to know that women can now be held in high esteem, even in government. Thanks to organizations such as Women’s Worldwide Web, equality is now a reality with many countries. Even when it comes to voting, you have to right to choose whoever you deem capable. As long as you’re aware of the world and what it needs, you can vote for her if you want. It’s your right!

Answer #22

It’s nice to know that women can now be held in high esteem, even in government. Thanks to organizations such as Women’s Worldwide Web, equality is now a reality with many countries. Even when it comes to voting, you have to right to choose whoever you deem capable. As long as you’re aware of the world and what it needs, you can vote for her if you want. It’s your right!

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