Politics & Law Questions

  1. Are the democrats going to continue pushing the fairness doctrine?
  2. Obama's safety
  3. Will obama raise gas prices?
  4. Do you think Obama will keep his promises once he gets in office?
  5. Do you think Obama will change his plans on Drilling?
  6. 28% of federal programs are not performing?
  7. Why is a Nazi sympathizer our outgoing president?
  8. My bad, Bush's younger brother Marvin hasn't been investigated
  9. barack obama and martin luther king
  10. An inconvenient occurrence
  11. why sould I give my money a way?
  12. Would it be acceptable if the Government establishes a national pol
  13. What are the positives and negatives of closing Guantanamo Bay pris
  14. Should the Fed be shuttered?
  15. Should Taxpayers know the details on this 2 Trillion ?
  16. Did Fidel Castro die?
  17. What the f is this?
  18. majors/degrees
  19. Would you be 'in favor' if on day one Obama shuts down any idea of
  20. Cabinet of the future
  21. Abortion vs. Murder
  22. Do you think these 'Bailouts' will eventually run into the Trillion
  23. illegal/llegal
  24. When is a fetus considered a human being?
  25. Why is Having Guns Such A Bad Thing?
  26. Does our President-Elect Obama smoke??
  27. A question about abortion.
  28. woman president
  29. prop 8 in ca
  30. An issue of fairness
  31. Anarchist sectarianism
  32. Obama's Death Threats
  33. Should a teen's age be irrelevant when they break the law?
  34. Allow me to rephrase, Obama's plan.
  35. Can we convince Obama to give more state's more control?
  36. Why would he throw that in there and should there be an apology ?
  37. What would you have done if a person assumed your were racist?
  38. How Should Obama Start With Iran?
  39. How will Obamas plan benefit America?
  40. Heres a thought no government and direct democracy
  41. what to you is a anarchist
  42. I think
  43. Is it illegal to be racist?
  45. Obama already has a transition site up change.gov, did you see it?
  46. Obama-some people are unbelievable.
  47. If you were president...
  48. R.I.P Here lies the USA. 1776- 2008?
  49. What are the top 10 countries in the world?
  50. Is the problem with racism going on where you are?
  51. Why did the Islamic intentionally crash airliners into the Twin Towers on 9/11?
  52. Wrong Choice With Obama?
  53. RACISM
  54. What colonie's did england establish?
  55. What do people have against Obama?
  56. obama? Comunist? Why od people day this???
  57. Obama: our president elect!!
  58. What comes to mind when you think of Obama?
  59. Our New President
  60. What Barack Obama assicinated?
  61. What is the difference in republican and democrat
  62. Why does everyone hate Obama
  63. The Republican party just got fired.
  64. Can we say mandate?
  65. Obama's Racial Statements?
  66. Biden and the Senate
  67. Should Obama's first step in Iraq be to end private contracts?
  68. Is anyone else pissed that Obama won?
  69. Are you glad that Obama won?
  70. Obama's skin
  71. How does the president effect us?
  72. What is the update on the population of african americans?
  73. What's the newest updates on nolo's california law book?
  74. texas state officals
  75. 2008 election
  76. Propositions
  77. How important is politics in your life?
  78. american politics
  79. Is this bribe story true ?
  80. Eatin meat-Do you think its right or wrong?
  81. Why do you like Obama??
  82. Are you anxious?
  83. Why are the US elections so huge?
  84. Help with how to vote
  85. Deportation
  86. Do you think riots will be started bc of the elections?
  87. Electronic ballot fraud
  88. Illegal immirgrant
  89. Who are you voting 4?
  90. Should they apologize?
  91. Gobama!
  92. Why have the Democratic and repulican parties
  93. Why are people so ignorant and rude about politics?
  94. Truman vs Dewey
  95. How old do you have to be to vote? (USA)
  96. O or m
  97. Any of you going to watch the election tomorrow?
  98. Does Obama support the coal industry ?
  99. Does the Keating Five have any relevance to the current financial c
  100. Obama's "ARMY"