woman president

how long do you think it will be untill a woman is president? and basing it just on gender does any one think it would be bad to have a woman as president? any comments

Answer #1

Who the hell cares if a woman is president?

It’s important for a good president to be president, it’s not important for a black person, a woman, or a gay person to be president.

Answer #2

well for this election it was obvious hillary wasnt going to win… look at history. black people got rights before women did. a black man got president before a woman…so maybe soon but I don’t know. I think that people of the US think that if we elect a woman president, it shows signs of weakness for america…so it might be a while

Answer #3

I don’t think there’s any reason a woman could not be the next President after Obama. …it won’t be Hillary though. If Obama screws things up, a Republican will win in 2012. If he doesn’t, then Hillary will be too old in 2016.

Answer #4

I really don’t think it will be that much longer before we see one. I didn’t think we’d be seeing a black president this early but we did. Personally I see nothing wrong with it as long as it’s not during a time of war. I may sound sexist with that but people do seem to look more towards a man to lead during war times.

Answer #5

It won’t be Palin.

Answer #6

Should a woman be Presidant of the United States of America? Is she the most qualified at that point in history? That is the question. I don’t care if the person who leads this country is a black, a woman, or a green Martian. It is the person who is important. It is not his/her race, sex, or religion that should be our concern. Please stop with the politically correct.

Look for the person who has the best plan to run this country. Obama stands for CHANGE. How many of you can descirbe what that change stands for?

Please in the future, look at the policies that the politician stands for - what will he or she do to make America GREAT.

Answer #7

The US is one of the first countries to elect an ethnic minority president, but many other countries have already beaten America to having a female head of state. It will eventually happen, it will just require the right candidate with the right circumstances, as with Obama’s election.

There’s no reason the US shouldn’t have a female president, although people will certainly try to come up with such reasons. Those who believe a female leader could not deal with the more aggressive requirements of the office, like going to war, obviously haven’t studied female leadership throughout history.

Answer #8

I don’t think it will be long. I think it is more likely that the first woman president will be a Republican than a Democrat though. The Democrats currently win the majority of the female vote; the Republicans will run a woman to try to capture this vote like they attempted to with Palin as McCain’s running mate. For this to work they will have to nominate a more credible candidate than Ms. Palin though.

Answer #9

I think that it will happen one day. I have heard that some people in the Republican party want Sarah Palin to run for president in 2012. If she were to run and win the Republican nomination, she could be president. Maybe, Hillary Clinton could run again. She has been the most successful woman who has tried to acheive a presidential nomination. Maybe, she could run in 2016 for the Democratic nomination. I am sure that there are other qualified women out there who could become president.

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