Wrong Choice With Obama?

Who thinks that Americans made the wrong choice in voting for Barack Obama as the newest American president?

Answer #1

It’s no coincidence that now that Obama is president elect… Israel will attack Iran as America pulls out to put pressure on Iraq, the US will side with Israel, the nuclear defense in Alaska to protect us from missiles from Iran has Russia pissed, so they’re flexing their nuclear muscle too. Don’t forget about Libya tinkering in nuclears too. Everyone will take sides, with an attitude psssh what will the US do about it. It’ll be WWIII Russia has already started to test Obama’s foreign policy.

There is no balance in the gov now as the Democrats have the majority of the seats in the senate AND the house AND the presidency, So any bills that they want passed will get passed and signed. They CAN change the constitution if they want.

Bush may not have been the best pres, but at least we haven’t been attacked on our soil since 9/11, which is probably more accredited to his administration than the man himself. (and I hope we don’t in the future, but it’s looking likely) Hopefully our guns won’t be taken away in case we need to defend ourselves. (Last time there was a big gun ban: Germany under Hitler’s rule.)

On another note… everyone talking about the racism… What party was the president to free enslaved African Americans?? Abe Lincoln: Republican. …I just find that Ironic.

xox Sika

Answer #2

give him a chance omg how many people want to talk crap about him??

Answer #3

“Israel will attack Iran as America pulls out to put pressure on Iraq, the US will side with Israel, the nuclear defense in Alaska to protect us from missiles from Iran has Russia pissed, so they’re flexing their nuclear muscle too. Don’t forget about Libya tinkering in nuclears too. Everyone will take sides, with an attitude psssh what will the US do about it. It’ll be WWIII Russia has already started to test Obama’s foreign policy.”

This is the most ridiculous international scenario I think I’ve ever read. What makes you think Iran has missiles capable of reaching London, let alone Alaska? And you do realize Libya has abandoned its nuclear program and opened its facilities to inspectors? Apparently you don’t. Oh yeah, and I don’t understand why you have Israel attacking Iran over the Iraq “withdrawl”.

Please, enough lame WW3 scenarios, people. Fearmongering has no place in rational discussion.

Answer #4

sikashimmer: All that because he got elected? Wow, and he isn’t even the president yet. Would you care to make a bet? I’ll bet you $100 at 2:1 that we don’t see WWIII under an Obama presidency.

The democrats can’t pass anything they want: They have a majority in all 3 branches, but it’s not big enough to be filibuster-proof. Further, a constitutional amendment requires a supermajority of 2/3 of each house, which the democrats also don’t have.

“Bush may not have been the best pres, but at least we haven’t been attacked on our soil since 9/11, which is probably more accredited to his administration than the man himself.”

Evidence, please. Most of what’s been enacted since 2001 is security theater and thus nearly completely useless. There’s no evidence that the US is ‘more secure’ than it was before 2001. Terrorist attacks are rare and infrequent events anyway, so 7 years without an attack is hardly remarkable.

There was no german gun registration or ban imposed by hitler: http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/1791/did-hitler-ban-gun-ownership

Answer #5

you are crazy obama gives middle class tax cuts. how many people are middle class 75%? and he handles the things that need to be done. mclame he handles the bad stuff. if we did make mclame our pesedent we would be deid by now. plus we need a black pesedent.

Answer #6

Changing the US health care system is probably Obama’s most daunting task, and I agree it’s something that likely won’t happen, at least not completely and not in one term. The US health care system already has a lot of money being thrown into it…more than most industrialized countries. The problems are structural and legal. Not so easy to reform.

Answer #7

“taking away the freedom of the Americans.”

No, that would be your current president, George W. Bush.

Answer #8

calgirl, nothing you said about Obama is true. You can’t believe anyhting you hear in a viral chain email.

Answer #9

to the first girl who posted, why are you making this a racial issue? It’s people like you who turned this election into a mockery,making it all about race instead of actual political policies

Answer #10

Why ? Couse of his race? Black or white it doesn’t matter I think everyone has their own opinion and I think america did a great choice

Answer #11

I think it was a really bad choice…he is taking away our rights… he is bannign guns, and taking away the freedom of the Americans.

Answer #12

“taking away the freedom of the Americans.

…and will continute BIG time, with Obama…personal freedom freefall.


Answer #13

phrannie: What has he said or done that makes you think that’s the case? Bush ignored the constitution when it suited him. Obama, in contrast, is a constitutional scholar.

Answer #14

jimahl - I always give credit when justified - if fact Obama has said something I definitely agree with - ‘College football should have a playoff system to eliminate the present chaos’ - spot on !!

Answer #15

How could the right choice be based on race? The majority of the people who elected him did so out of popularity because they are unaware of his political views. I am sorry but change is not a political view when you wont mention what you will change. After the election he went out and admited that he wont be able to do a lot of what he said he would. Do you really think a leader would refuse to vote on bills as much as he did? You may not like Bush, but at least the country is safe.

Answer #16

“How could the right choice be based on race? The majority of the people who elected him did so out of popularity because they are unaware of his political views.”

Really? Do you have stats on that? Obama made his positions on a large number of issues very clear. McCain mostly made his campaign about what he thought was wrong with Obama.

“After the election he went out and admited that he wont be able to do a lot of what he said he would.” [Citation Needed]

“You may not like Bush, but at least the country is safe.” [Citation Needed]

Answer #17

bush did a great job just so many bad things happened during his time and obama is the rirght one for president and he is great even though im an ozzie and liv here in ozzie but I watch american news al the time and when he won I went crazy in a happy way Obama is the best mcains too old and might die soon kidding He’s cool.but yeh good choice America. I LOVE AMERICA AND IM COMING THERE IN DECEMBER 21ST CAINT WAIT!!

Answer #18

well first of all I think its great that we can have a black president that dont bother me one bit…but who in their sane mind would vote for someone who doesnt even salute to our own flag?? have we all gone mad? that is crazy this is the country he is running for and he dont believe in it! I think we made a wrong choice but I pray to god that this doesnt hurt us and I hope he proves me wrong by making the right choices for us as a country because to tell ya the truth im freakin scared of what he has planned for us…

Answer #19

“Further, a constitutional amendment requires a supermajority of 2/3 of each house, which the democrats also don’t have.”

An ammendment also needs ratification from 3/4 of the state legislatures.

“On another note… everyone talking about the racism… What party was the president to free enslaved African Americans?? Abe Lincoln: Republican. …I just find that Ironic.”

Yes it is ironic that the party of lincoln evolved into the party that most racists now follow.

And it is the democratic party that has led the fight for racial equality.

Answer #20

well… we will have to wait and see!!! I think it was a great choice americans have made. change is always good. we say its not about race, but it is. lets try something new. people dont understand that this is a beautiful thing for black people and also for lower and middle class nfolks. how woud you feel if every year theres a black president and now you have a great candidate with great views who was white but wasnt good enough because of his race.I dont think obama election is an argument I just say be happy for him. and wait and see

Answer #21

He might not be the best choice (as if we had a good choice in the first place), but he’s our President now, and we’ll have to do a “wait and see”…He wasn’t elected dictator, for gawd’s sake…everything takes a vote (and those doing voting have to be voted back in)…

There may be more regulating of guns, but I highly doubt “banning” them all together would fly…more law abiding people than crooks have them.

I suppose the “rich” will include anybody who makes a dime (lowered from the $225K bracket)…and that health care thing will be back burner…those are the promises that got him elected, and most likely the very things he won’t fullfill…


Answer #22

amblessed, I know you are livid over the fact that people don’t agree with you about Obama, but why must you assume that admiration for him is based only on his popularity, or other superficial reasons, and not the “content of his character”? Do you have some evidence that would make one believe that?

Yes, the ball is in his court. But if you continue to only listen to right wing sources, you will never be satisfied with anything he does. Because even if the economy turns around and we have no more terrorist attacks, the right wing will say Obama had nothing to do with it, or it was Bush’s policies that actually were just coming to fruition.

So, if the economy does turn around in the next year, will you give Obama the credit?

Answer #23

McCain would have been better for America for a myriad of reasons but the people spoke and now Obama’s ‘Change’ and issues will become evident, good or bad - we were told over and over the world will instantly love us, he is ‘The One’, newscasters almost wet their pants at the mere mention of his name and a tingling ran up and down Chris Matthews leg - the ball is in his court now.

Answer #24

“jimahl - I always give credit when justified - if fact Obama has said something I definitely agree with - ‘College football should have a playoff system to eliminate the present chaos’ - spot on !!”

Can’t help but notice amblessed, you didn’t answer the actual question I asked.

So, if the economy does turn around in the next year, will you give Obama the credit?

Answer #25

hows it bad that obama banned guns… thats freakin awesome! less crimes hello??

Answer #26

why would you even say that if it is bcuz he black then i have a prob wit u bcuz hes just trying to make stuff better but to do that he has to raise prices to get the money to do it i thnk that it was a good choice its not like hes a republican or something and for those of you who are saying anonymous dnt be scared say your name and yes im black and i dnt have a prob wit obama bein our prez.

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