Politics & Law Questions

  1. Where do you stand on the debate about our constitutional right to "bare arms", do you feel citizins should be allowed to own and carry guns or not?
  2. What do you guys feel about the Pentagon demanding the files that Wikileaks has?
  3. Who has heard of U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker and his ruling on Prop 8?
  4. how does one become a politician in trinidad?
  5. What do you guys feel about adding lithium to the public water supply?
  6. What do you guys feel about Missouri passing a law directly against "Obamacare"?
  7. What are your feelings about the Ground Zero Mosque?
  8. What did the slaves get as like, an apology when they were freed?
  9. Who has ever wondered why there was only 2 parties in the government?
  10. Who exactly is Barry Soetoro?
  11. do u think immagrints should be removed from america?..i dont='(
  12. what is better being an american or not being american?
  13. Were you disappointed when Obama's latest PR move was to basically say "It could be worse"?
  14. What wood you do if you cood be the president four a dae?
  15. What is the tomb of the unknown Solder?
  16. Why The Government May Want To Tackle Different Causes Of Inflation?
  17. Who believes there is an actual difference between Democrats and Republicans?
  18. Who believes we should start boycotting walmart over its proposed use of RFID chips in its clothes?
  19. Where is the plane and its crew and Passengers then?
  20. why International Court of Justice is going after albashier ,president of sudan , and they dont care about what isreal have done in Ghazza ?
  21. Who else thinks that the religion shouldnt be able to affect government?
  22. How will unemployment benefits change under Obama's proposition, and is it an official bill yet?
  23. What did Linsday Loha do to get into all this trouble?
  24. What is the funniest law you have ever heard?
  25. What do you think about inspection stickers on cars, do you think they should be mandatory by law?
  26. How does the American health care system work?
  27. What was the proper German name for the Nazi Youth League?
  28. Why does the government lie to us?
  29. Who is the Chief Justice of India and what's the big deal about him (or her)?
  30. what is the youngest country in the world and what is the oldest country?
  31. What does Obamas healthcare bill mean and say ecsacly?
  32. Why is the CIA and FBI and other agencies picking up random students who study abroad in their colleges because they are Muslim?I live in Pakistan and heard of
  33. can anybody tell me about documentaries on world war II made by Germans??
  34. Why dont people know about the Bilderberg group?
  35. Is the USA the only place where marijuana is illegal?
  36. Why hasnt someone came forward with proof that they elect world leaders at these bilderberg group meetings?
  37. Why is obama still president?
  38. Who has heard about this Russian spy swap?
  39. How rich are the Rothschilds?
  40. What if an illegal immigrant became a US citizen by marriage, what would happen if they divorced?
  41. Who knows if Florida legislators passed the law to force condo owners to pay their condo fees?
  42. Why would Jackie Kennedy reach for a piece of John Kennedy's Brain?
  43. What are your thoughts on the carbon tax?
  44. What do you think of the new pregnancy assistance fund?
  45. Who thinks there really is a Russian spy ring?
  46. why can't we live in peace like they did in the 80's?
  47. where can i find a list of past and current governments (and the the names of the countries) and when they started and when they ended?
  48. What is this news about a Russian Spy Ring IN THE US?
  49. Who here knows about the new marijuana laws in California?
  50. who are the clergymen in "Letter from Birmingham Jail" by Martin Luther King Jr?
  51. How long does it usually take a warrant for an unpaid traffic ticket to be void?
  52. Who can tell me if the home credit been extended from June 30, 2010 to September 30?
  53. Do you believe that every state should have the death penalty issued?
  54. Do we need the US government to figure out how to make transactions secure?
  55. Why is the legal age so young?
  56. How much do political decisions that the government make matter to you?
  57. What: Is marijuana (or however you spell it) legal to have in Canada now?
  58. who is incharge for music videos and tv shows to be shown, what type of goverment is in charge?
  59. Will the felony arrest of meg whitman's son negatively impact her run for the CA governor position?
  60. How can we detect a hate crime?
  61. Why havent schools banned Native American as a costume idea?
  62. who is a lawyer that i can talk to?
  63. What is the difference between south and north Korea?
  64. Who likes or hates barack obama and why?
  65. While Obama is looking for "who's butt to kick" over the oil spill, why isn't he arresting some executives?
  66. Who can explain Napoleons war against Russia to me in their own words?
  67. What is the big deal with Helen Thomas?
  68. Why at 17 can we be trialed as an adult can't recurve any of the benefits as one,renting apartments,hotels,etc?
  69. What are your thoughts on the Gaza blockade and the attack on the aid ship?
  70. What is your opinion on the Lunar Landing Conspiracy?
  71. what was the purpose of new england town meeting??
  72. What does Governance, Corruption and Conflict mean to you?
  73. who kills the women in juarez mexico?
  74. What do i do if i forgot to sign up for the draft?
  75. Who said sometimes the simplest explanation is the truest?
  76. Who feels the government is doing enough to stop the oil spill?
  77. What factors influence the president's success in Congress?
  78. What does Benjamin Franklin mean?
  79. what do you think of the smart metrocard?
  80. Why hasn't repealing part of the patriot act hit Obama's agenda yet?
  81. Should little children be fingerprinted to check out library books?
  82. What are your views on the illuminati?
  83. is there anywhere in the United States where its legal for two girls to get married?
  84. What is the most needed thing in the world(besides oil)?
  85. what do you think of lowering the age you can buy/drink alcohol in America,to 18 like in Europe?
  86. Who knows of any good government conspiracies or underground societies?
  87. When will there be a female president?
  88. How did World War II and the Korean War have any involvement?
  89. What are some interesting facts about the election of 1860 (when Lincoln was elected)?
  90. why don't you see much protesting in america nowadays compared to the 60's and 70's?
  91. who thinks america is NOT a free country but just a country with more rights than others?
  92. Should there be restrictions on free speech?
  93. How have patterns of trade hindered economic progress in LEDCs?
  94. what is your opinion on the seatbelt laws in most states?
  95. How to emigrate to Australia all facts and information , i'm an accountant if that helps ?
  96. What is the American Dream?
  97. What would it have been like to have been an albino African American during the Civil Rights movement?
  98. When's a good age to engage in politics?
  99. How long did it take to fix everything from the indian ocean tsunami?
  100. Do you think the red shirts in Thailand will win in the end?