Why is the CIA and FBI and other agencies picking up random students who study abroad in their colleges because they are Muslim?I live in Pakistan and heard of

atleast four cases of students who were hauled off for questioning.Two returned safe and sound.The other two have been lost for days.Other cases state that some never come back.O.O Why are innocent students being hauled off like that?!

Answer #1

If they are being hauled off its bc of questioning ifbout the war and their family and to see if they r really suppose to be here… its not right but its what they do to keep the country safe… also if they are coming back it means they are innocent if they arent its bc they were or their families were hiding something… i hope this helps and i hope it stops.

Answer #2

Ok, this is deep so no offense to anyone here what so ever….

There is a war going on all around the world…it’s called t3rrorism…it is everywhere…not just in the US or the middle east but e v e r y w h e r e!!!! People have the right to live a free life where they dont have to be afraid that when they go on a bus they might never make it home to see their family & friends ever again!!!! people think they can make a mockery, take out the rules & regulations & say they dont apply to me…”I represent an organization that says I live according to my faith not to your laws!!!” Those people must be stopped from trying to rule the world or else there will no longer be any freedom as we know it today…but there will be a life of regime, dictation, communism and death to all that go against the regime…is that the kind of life we want to live??? I dont!!! If people that think that they can get away by taking the world apart piece by piece, destroying everything our four fathers have fought so hard with their lives to make a better place for us to live safely where woman have the right to walk around freely not with their face & entire body covered in a black robe, where women have the rights to an education rather then be a slave in the home while caring for kids & the home…where woman have the right to speak their mind & not be violated or k!lled just because we were looked at by another man…well I will be darned…if those people are caught before creating a b0mb to be set off in buildings where innocent people men women & children are being targets for this craziness…or worse, going to a cafe’ to relax with the family or friends &never knowing of they come back home…or even worse just standing at the train station underground waiting to get home from a hard day at work & not knowing if I ever get back home…then hell by all means…I am all for stopping random people that look like they might be suspicious or related to someone fitting the profile….

f I am stopped which I have been stopped in Newark airport new jersey because they thought I looked like someone that fit the profile…and checked my bags as if i was involved in some t3rror plan…it felt bad on the one hand but I felt that our country is doing everything in their power to disrupt & crack down on these cells!

My father was once stopped a few years ago as well, for over 3 hours while we waited after standing on line to get our passport stamped they pulled my father over…for no reason…because he may have fit the profile….(mind you we are all US citizens) they have to do what they have to do…and if you have something to hide…then that is too bad…and if you dont…then it isnt a problem to get checked out….another time i was carrying a nailtech silver case like this one –> http://funadvice.com/r/3k9oi45cct I was told to take off my shoes…got finger printed and they checked the handle for fingerprints on it…once again thinking I may have fit some profile with a weird looking carrying case…as if they have never seen a damn cosmetologist carrying that case…all make up artists & nail techs use it…so knowing i would be stopped in the airport I came prepared…i had a bag of cheese doodles in it for the flight, (12 hours) and a search word in there…and I said I can open it up for ya no prob if you want to see what is inside…I have nothing to hide…so you see, I found it amusing because I didnt have anything to have made such a fuss over but I knew what to expect…those that have something to hide will get all offensive… hey this is a war on t3rror…wake up & smell the coffee…deal with it…stop playing the victim when innocent men woman & children are the real ones paying the nasty price…not those being stopped for one reason or another! If you are innocent accept their apology & move on dont make such a hissy fit of it…if you are guilty then so be it…pay the piper! it’s like running a red light…if they find a profile & some info, then bring you in for questioning, evidence will show if it was you or not…if it was you will get the punishment you deserve! If you did nothing they will let you go apologize & it’s over! You dont see people making that an issue…so why make one of this?!

Answer #3

Um,women ARE allowed to education in Islam.Islam itself says that the scholer’s pen’s ink is stronger than a martyr’s blood.Women have a highs status in the REAL Islamic society,not in the supposed ‘Islamic values’ such people are forcing down on others. But what gave these other organisations the right to come pounding on our doors and killing off every innocent civilian they see???

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