Why hasn't repealing part of the patriot act hit Obama's agenda yet?

I thought I voted for change…but so far, I feel like I’ve gotten far more status quo :(

Answer #1

Which is to be expected. the senate, either just did or is about to vote to reaffirm the patriot act. He won’t want to change it and only will if he has to. The patriot act gives him authority and ability’s he wouldn’t have with out it. and i can’t speak for you but i have yet to see a politician, and make no mistake Obama is a career politician, give up power, money or authority, willingly unless giving up one means getting more of one of the other two. That said, i am 100% percent act, i’m also 100% against Obama. I personally am hoping that this coming election we can get people elected to undo the damage done. BUT, he is the president weather or not i like it. so he does deserve respect and on this case i think, the benefit of the doubt. as president he’s privy to information we probably sleep better at night not knowing. Information that may make him realize that the idea’s he set forth on may not be whats best for this country. I don’t know. only he does. So bottom line, there is no answer to your question that you’ll find. we don’t have all the information. Wish i could be more help.

Answer #2

Didn’t he just sign extensions of some of the Patriot Act’s provisions?

Answer #3

The Obama administration supports extending three provisions of the Patriot Act that are due to expire at the end of the year…

Answer #4

sorry, the site won’t allow me to post the three at this time because of the words contained…it is a glitch they are trying to fix.

Answer #5

the authority to access business records,

Answer #6

conduct roving wiretaps,

Answer #7

I’m having the same trouble as Utopia… apparently my words are not allowed here for some reason… I have no guess as to which word may be prohibited… so I’ll make a long response short…

Obama never intended to rescind the act… he was an establishment candidate and he is working for those folks who put him in office… they want to keep tabs on you so that you don’t discover what they are up to… whatever their official excuse is… it’s just to placate the naive.

Answer #8

I don’t think real, serious change is going to come from a Republican or a Democrat. They’re too set in their ways.

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