Politics & Law Questions

  1. is the U.S. Government planning a draft in the near future?
  2. Why is China being described as "China, Rising Power"?
  3. How do you think the US would be different if we had a woman as president?
  4. what is the impact of electronic comerce in the US?
  5. why aren't teens aloud to drink?
  6. Is our economy in the shape it is, in because of all the money that is being sent over seas to other countries to help fight wars that aren't unnecessary?
  7. Why can't the government put elderly people on medicaid?
  8. do YOU think we should change the pledge of alligiance?
  9. Is stem cell research still a highly debated these days?
  10. Why is the Arizona Immigratinon Law contradicting the 14th amendment?
  11. Do you guys believe the government is getting to involved in our freedom?
  12. Do you think government programs such as medicaid should be allowed to test women for illegal substances during their pregnancy?
  13. How long will it take the Republican majority to push for an Impeachment of Obama?
  14. What is the japanese internment about from a Canadian persepective?
  15. What is it called when someone introduces and"praises" a political leader to an audience?
  16. where do you think society currently stands on patriotism in America?
  17. Why did Congress create more than 450 new crimes between 2000 and 2007?
  18. what do you think the maximum penalty would be for this crime?
  19. What is the Illumanati ?
  20. Do you know what a major problem in the USA is these days, besides the economy?
  21. Do you think we should blame Obama for the economy?
  22. How does the one-child policy in China affect the people mentally?
  23. Why can't they put a limit on the salaries of government officials?
  24. Why are companies not manufacturing alternative energy products in the US?
  25. why should politicians shut up about snow?
  26. Do you think the government should use Google Earth to enforce the laws?
  27. Is it wrong to stone someone over in the middle east?
  28. Why is it that new governments or administrations always blame the previous one for 'economic mismanagement'?
  29. How many military victories can be traced to the army members believing they would go straight to (their) Heaven if they died?
  30. What kind of cultural blending do you see in the U.S. today?
  31. Why is the Senate able to declare war?
  32. Do you think Germany was to blame for the First World War?
  33. Would Korean reunification be a good thing?
  34. whats your opinion on the execution?
  35. What do you guys think about this "fake weed" which is called spice?
  36. Do you guys think that DOMA is an unconstitunional law?
  37. what do you think of this new law from the goverment?
  38. What do you think: does NATO's presence improve the lives of Afghan citizens?
  39. Who or what is the illuminati?
  40. Is god going to let liars get away like the government?
  41. What do you think of this new Louisiana law about cellphone use while driving?
  42. Where can I get a full copy of the health care reform bill/plan that Obama passed?
  43. how interest rate will effect the decision of Foreign direct investment?
  44. what do u think about area 51?
  45. why is the Cabinet (as in the Presidential Cabinet) called the Cabinet?
  46. can a person apply for a green card if he has a Domestic Violence Order of Protection?
  47. Can the citizen version of the israeli m-15 gas mask use any other filters besides the regular nato one?
  48. Are there still sappers in the army?
  49. does anyone know what the female rights were in america in the 1930's?
  50. Why are women only allowed to inherit a fraction of what men do under sharia law?
  51. What do you think about the Burka ban in France?
  52. What do you think of the ANC trying to get a media tribunal in South Africa?
  53. Why isn't the muslim world crying out against the imam who issued the fatwa over the draw mohammed day?
  54. what was the first attack in WWI?
  55. How do you get out of jury duty if you were summoned?
  56. Is the federal reserve a Government institution?
  57. Why do we called Caucasian people white,and African/African American people black?
  58. What do you believe is the main issue in the U.S. Goverment?
  59. Who thinks the 10,000 Afghanistan protestors shouting "death to America" went overboard?
  60. Why do people get upset that native americans have some extra privelages?
  61. How in gods name is Norway the lowest rate of crime in the world?
  62. What are your thoughts on the U.S. and U.K. military ban of EA's new game?
  63. Do we penalise individuals who bring their nation or religion into disrepute?
  64. Do you think it's right to ban homose*xual men from being allowed to donate blood?
  65. Are there any black people in the tea party?
  66. How were people were impacted of the nuclear disaster of Chernobyl?
  67. How many languages does you country officially recognise?
  68. How many people were at the "Restoring Honor" Rally hosted by Glenn Beck?
  69. What does semper fidelus mean?
  70. What exactly is America?
  71. What do you think of secessionist movements?
  72. Should doctors have the right to determine whether or not a person is a candidate for Euthanasia?
  73. Do you think the manufacturer or the operator should be held responsible for a hot air balloon accident that claimed the lives of 2 people in B.C.?
  74. Why are Brass Knuckles illegal but Guns aren't?
  75. What do you think of Vancouver's new law banning smoking at public beaches and parks?
  76. Should there be charges laid against people who fail to follow the rules when packing luggage for flight?
  77. What are the institutions for a Democratic Republic?
  78. Do you think the government should be responsible for funding programs aimed at quitting smoking?
  79. Should lump sum payments for injured Canadian soldiers be taxable?
  80. Do people only hear what they want to hear coming out of the mouths of politicians?
  81. What do you think about freedom of speech in the US?
  82. should we bring back the guillotine as a form of death sentence?
  83. Is a 33 month sentence long enough for the scammer who sold fake medication to cancer patients?
  84. Is it right for the courts to block most federal funding for stem cell research?
  85. why not any channel news make a research about where the mta spend the money?
  86. Which national leaders have delivered the most benefit to their own people, or to humanity in general?
  87. Who should be held responsible for the theft of a Van Gogh painting from a museum in Cairo?
  88. Why do we refer to Americans/Canadians as such?
  89. What do you think of the Tax Free Weekend (Texas)?
  90. What are tamil tigers?
  91. Who thinks Dr. Laura Schlessinger's "racial rant" should be cause for her to end her 30 year radio career?
  92. Do you feel the bans on marrying family members should be lifted?
  93. Who thinks the "Craigslist Killer" committed su!cide?
  94. Which u.s. President during their time in Office got stuck in the tub?
  95. Who thinks Britain should change the name "VJ Day" to something that doesn't focus on a single nation for the sake of being politically correct?
  96. Do you think they should change jail and police station regulations to where they can not release women in the middle of the night if they dont have a ride?
  97. who do you think our worst president ever was?
  98. why people and news are talking about immigrants?
  99. Why did the new York transit agency approve a new ad showing the burning towers right next to a ground zero mosque?
  100. who was the 24th president?
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