Do you guys think that DOMA is an unconstitunional law?

President Clinton passed DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) which basically defines marriage to be between a man and a woman. This is basically what keeps gay marriage abolished. This was passed to “legally” override The full faiths and credits section of article 4 and the Privileges and Immunites clause. It’s a very controversial law but it’s still in effect today, what do you guys think, should the law stay or go?

Answer #1

I think it goes against a person’s rights and freedoms…the government has no right to decide who is allowed to fulfil a relationship by the bonds of marriage.

Answer #2

I second that!

Sorry I dont mean to offend people here but I feel I have to say this…open your eyes…please…stop being force fed to believe that everything that is written is 100% accurate!
use common sense, real facts & your intuition…

No one has the right to tell anyone whom he or she can or cant love…I am for pro choice…we all have the right to be free…so why cant we choose whom to be free with…

here is a list of the 10 commandments…show me where it states that “love is only between a man & a woman?” Funny, it doesnt…so yeah its preached by all yet not asked to obey by god…so…who gives the government the right to force that kind of law onto anyone?
So sick of the damn government trying to force people to live a certain me it is a disgrace!

  1. You shall not worship any other god but YHWH.
  2. You shall not make a graven image.
  3. You shall not take the name of YHWH in vain.
  4. You shall not break the Sabbath.
  5. You shall not dishonor your parents.
  6. You shall not m*rder.
  7. You shall not commit adultery
  8. You shall not steal.
  9. You shall not commit perjury.
  10. You shall not covet.
Answer #3

Ha being a resident of Iowa that makes me laugh. DOMA doesnt seem to be present. How is someons life so easy that they say what you can and cannot do behind the wall of your own home? Also im kind of confused as to how this DOMA law is in effect? I mean i’ve never heard of it cause i dont care but why is the law ok for gay marriage if this law is in effect? just a question. dont feel like looking it up. 2lazy.

Answer #4

The question is if the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional, not if it is unfair.

I’m not aware of anything in the constitution that specifically addresses this issue. Often existing clauses are opened to wider interpretation over time but the best I can determine DOMA is not unconstitutional even though I believe it is wrong.

Ideally we would have an amendment to the constitution guarantying equal rights regardless of one’s sexual preference but considering the fact that the Equal Rights Amendment for women is still too controversial to pass don’t expect any constitutional protections for gays and lesbians this century.

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