Why isn't the muslim world crying out against the imam who issued the fatwa over the draw mohammed day?

The cartoonist behind the idea is now in hiding, the Federal government had her change her identity, etc…IF muslims want the rest of the world to believe they’re “good people” you CAN’T have Imams that issue edicts declaring people need to be killed. OR am I the only one that finds this kind of extreme intolerance, with ZERO apology, completely unacceptable?

Answer #1

Is part of their t*rror control. Now people are scared of doing something that will offend Muslims for fear of being killed.

Answer #2

Totally agree, how can any religion, in any kind, propagate violence and cruelty, and still be called a religion.

Answer #3

In their culture it is seen as legitamite.

Answer #4

Hmmm, Ben, the words “Muslim” and “tero-rists” should not even be interlinked. Anyone can be a terr-orist regardless of which faith they follow or don’t follow, take David Hicks for example, classic case… Now back to the question…Could it be Non-Muslim government officials are worried that if they spoke out in public and condemn the actions of a few extremists, they run the risk of allowing these extremists to recruit more and more followers. I haven’t been to any Muslim or Islam countries, but if a person lives in poverty and they cannot fit in, any group or person who comes along and accepts you into their folds, the person would be eager to join and pledge their loyalty to their “new family”.

Answer #5

You are right about intertwining muslim and terorist is bothersome. I guess since most muslim are not terorist but most ter*rorist are muslims, is a common oversight.

Answer #6

It’s ok. :-) Not necessarily most terr-orists are Muslims. The first guy to set a bomb and blew up something was a white guy not from the Middle East….Bit of a hot topic on FA this week. It is good to see questions are starting to interact with the real stuff that are happening around the world. It’s like keep in line with world news on here. Hope it continues…..Cya Ben, back to my books.

Answer #7

Make a joke about a Christian,Jew,Hindu,Buddhist,Pagan,Sikh or Bahai no one complains but make a joke about a muslim you get death threats.I have nothing against muslims(my boyfriend is muslim) but certain muslims are making Islam look bad.Some muslims claim the word Islam comes from the word Salaam which means peace,Muhammad said that it means to submit ones self to god.And proudly claim Islam is the fasting growing religion,yet it is shrinking in Iraq,Sudan,Senegal,Afghanistan,Egypt, and Pakistan.One millions copies of the Bible were sent to Iraq and due to huge demande another 6 million have been over there.

Answer #8

But at the same time, most all of the attacks against the US have been Muslim extremists, so how can you say that there is no correlation? Even if they are extremists who are retarding the funddamentals od Islam. That would be like saying we cannot associate the perpatraitors of the Crussades with Christianity. . . .hmmm, on second thought maybe you have a point.

Answer #9

Note that the 2nd largest attack in the US (Oklahoma City) was perpetrated by a homegrown Christian attacker. What about the folks who assassinate family planning doctors? Drs Gunn, Patterson Britton, Slepian, and Tiller as well as receptionists, guards, police, etc have been killed in pro-life shootings, bombings, and arson. The Olympic Park and 1996 Olympic bombings were the work of Christian nationalist Eric Robert Rudolph as well as a string of bombings across the south. The Ku Klux Klan,Aryian Nation, Army of God and Lambs of Christ are all Christian organizations.

It is a mistake to associate individual acts with large heterogeneous groups they belong to.

Lots of Muslims in fact condemn fatwas like these just like lots of Christians condemn assassinating doctors. Moderate Muslims just aren’t as sensationalist or deemed as newsworthy as the extremists.

Answer #10

any one can be tero-rists like Samantha V. said..what about Christians 2nd largest attack in the us..or Japanese who attached pearl H. all around the world there is a terr0sits

Answer #11


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