Nutrition & Fitness Questions

  1. how can i get a flat stomach before the end of my six week holidays ? Pleas Advice ASAP
  2. how can I (a dancer on pointe) relieve bunion pain?
  3. Does needing to go the toilet more often mean you've increased your metabolism by any chance?
  4. What are some good foods to eat for energy? Or before going on a run?
  5. how much should i weigh if im 5'4, 15 and a girl?
  6. Does the Wii Fit help you exercise safely?
  7. How can I lose 20 lbs in less than a month?
  8. Is it ok to have these measurements at 14??
  9. how much weight do you think is too light for a 13 year old thats 5 4?
  10. What is the most accurate way to lose 10 pounds in 1 month?
  11. What if I wanted to lose 50 pounds by late October or early November?
  12. How do I get a flat belly?
  13. Can I exercise too much?
  14. Why am I always hungry 24/7, do I have a problem?
  15. how can I grow a bigger butt for free & naturally, my ass is flat?
  16. do girls like guys that have a big butt?
  17. What do I do about this?
  18. what do you do for an ipod that is 120 G? the same thing? or no?
  19. How long would it take me to noticeably tone up if i workout 4 times a week and eat majority healthy food and drink water?
  20. Does topiramate make you lose weight?
  21. what do you think, Im a 15 year old girl.. Im 5'8 and I weigh 135lbs, but im wanna loose 15-20 lbs to help me with modeling. Too much?
  23. what is a diet pill that will make me use a lot of weight quick ? and is kinda low in price
  24. can i drink profesional strength creatin and 52 g of whey protine together after a workout?
  25. What is protein good for and how, weight gain or loss?
  26. Is it true that weight is not gained once the body starts its period?
  27. is it ok to eat the seeds in a watermelon??
  28. How long would it take to tighten my butt?
  29. what foods have a good level of magnesium and calcium?
  30. How do i lose weight when im 5'9 & around 250 Pounds?
  31. how can i keep myself from ODing on the sweets?
  32. who thinks im short im 5'9"?
  33. is 12g of sugar good for a snack if im on a diet?
  34. Can i tone my thighs down in 35 days if i do this?
  35. does p90x work for overweight women?
  36. what are the best foods to eat if you are trying to get fit?
  37. how fast should i run on a treadmill?
  38. What vitimins and minerals am i missing as a vegetarian?
  39. How can I lose weight?
  40. what is the average weight for a 15 year old girl who' height is 5'7 ????
  41. Why do you get fatter when you drink milk?
  42. Are there any juice diets?
  43. How many calories are in a relentless energy shot?
  44. How do i determine my body shape?
  45. When does a person get cellulite?
  46. what is a good way to pack for a holiday?? im utterly shit at packing and im wondering if anyone has any good methods?
  47. How can i get toned really easy without working so hard?
  48. How can I achieve Extreme weight loss quick?
  49. Would it cause problems if i went on an all liquid diet ?
  50. What is the link between cholesterol and fat?
  51. how long will it take me to get a bitty of muscles on my belly?
  52. Whats the best way for a 14 year old girl to lose weight?
  53. Can you get rid of your cellutie by working out more and losing weight?
  54. What Can I Do To Get A Flat Stomach & Lose Weight.?
  55. Does getting your ear stapled really help you lose wieght?
  56. How do people get, and stay, so skinny, i'm 15, 5ft 4 1/2 and i weight about 11st, and im not happy, any advice?
  57. Why is green tea so good for you?
  58. how can i gain weight as at d age of 19 da weight is only 52 kg....and along with improving immunity and stamina and alertnesss?
  59. how can i speed up my matabalisum?
  60. What is a good workout dor the deltoid other than lateral lifts?
  61. where can i find model diets?
  62. how can i make my vagina lips and clit tighter?
  63. Is it unhealthy to walk 18 miles a day?
  64. how can i lose weight b4 school start?
  65. How can a 16 year old girl lose weight?
  66. does the stuff "veet" actually work, i think thats what its called, and can you use it on other places too besides your legs?
  67. how muck money do you think a average person spends at target in a livetime?
  68. what is better eat an apple or drink apple juice?
  69. how can I convince my parents to let me do some exercise?
  70. Does anyone know any good websites I can go to to find good body building tips, or programes?
  71. How many jumping jacks should you do to tone yourself up?
  72. Is there a way to get like a diet pill without parents finding out or having to fill out something?
  73. How do I shrink my calves????
  74. who thinks it is ok to swim after you got your vaccinations?
  75. How can I best improve my fitness?
  76. What's the best way to lose about 15 pounds quickly and healthy?
  77. can a teenager take a multiviatmen meant for adults?
  78. How many pushups should someone be able to do in one day ?
  79. How can I get some muscle and loose the belly?
  80. How to get a flat stomach/flat abs?
  81. how can i get muscular quickly?
  82. Does muscle weigh more than fat?
  83. Whats the best way to fix a pear shape.. or just make my legs n tummy smaller lol?? x
  84. how can i gain muscle mass quickk?
  85. Why do i always gain the most weight on one part of my body?
  86. What are some things u could do on the last day of class?
  87. Does anyone know a strict, but yummy 6 meal diet plan for me to build lean muscle?
  88. how can i lose 2" of side fat??
  89. What do you think about the lemonade diet?
  90. why cant i gain weight, but still be able to lift more in the gym?
  91. How much weight can I lose in 2 weeks if I really work hard at it?
  92. How do i lose ten pounds really quick? I don't weigh too much but i wanna tone it up a bit for summer. Any tips?
  93. What do I write down for 'nutritional values of fruits and vegetables? Just the calories?
  94. Does anyone have the lap band, and if so how do you like it?
  95. what does it mean when your are trying to lose stones in a diet or whatever??/
  96. What is the benefit if a girl weightlifts? What happens to them?
  97. Why is my bestfriend acting jealous?
  98. how can i stick to a diet and toning up everyday ?
  99. Do you think I am under weight?
  100. is it healthy to lose 4 stone in 6 weeks ?