How can I best improve my fitness?

I am 15 years old, about 5’9 and weigh about 130lbs. I’ve recently got some dumbells and have started doing home abs exercises which I found on youtube -

I’ve also started jogging a bit, but not very often or challenging.

I am starting some martial arts soon (most likely jujutsu), and I’m looking to improve my all round fitness and stamina, but specifically I want to get stronger arms as well as stronger abs and of course eventually a six-pack.

So far, I’ve basically been doing as many bicep curls as I can, with two 2.5kg weights on the dumbell, but recently I’ve heard that this isn’t actually the best way to increase strength.

As for abs, I’ve been doing the workout in the video every two days and have noticed little visual effect, even though I am in no way overweight. However I imagine that if I jog more often I will see more results?

I don’t know much about the differences between muscle tone, hypertrophy etc., but probably the best example of the perfect physique that I aim to get is that of a free-runner - athletic, not freakishly strong, but able to lift my own body weight and look muscular without looking freakishly strong like a bodybuilder. An example of a free-runner’s strength is the ability to perform the “parkour flag”, when you grab onto a vertical object like a lampost and hold your body up horizontally. I’m going to get into free-running as well soon, at which point I will start jogging more regularly and seriously as well.

I think that this kind of physique looks good, and will also be a good physique for martial arts - correct me if I’m wrong.

Given all that I aim for, what is the best work-out programme for me? Is what I’m doing now fine? Sorry for writing so much, I’m just trying to give as much information as I can. Thanks for reading, I greatly appreciate any advice given :) ?

Answer #1

excersise regularly! x

Answer #2

Eat well and excercise. Turns out, that actually works.

Answer #3

always remember that fitness is improved with baby steps. start at a comfortable pace, maybe jog at speed 6.0 for a few weeks. Then when that feels right, go up to 6.3. never push yourself to the extreme or assume that sprinting for 45 will do the trick. you will more likely just get hurt. just keep working hard and remember that your hard work will pay off :)

Answer #4

Depends what kind of fitness you want. You wanna get skinny and shed fat or you want to lift weights to grow mass to your body? If you want to do either, first you have to analyze what you eat, and cut back on sugary foods, foods with lots of oil and of course fatty foods. Cut back on soda, chips, fries, fast food, and candies. You don’t need to eliminate them, but if you want to be serious, then slowly cut them down. For me, I was a heavy soda drinker before I got serious for the Marines. I drank 2-3 2-Liter bottles a day. I cut down to 1 bottle, then one small can, then none at all. Doing that can help your addiction to fatty foods.

Also, exercise. If you want to be a bodybuilder, or grow mass, work out 45 minutes a day by lifting weights. I do 3 weeks of Mass and 1 week of Toning(I’m getting back up to my goal weight of 140lb., I’m 131lb. again). Don’t start off by doing too much. A lot of those pro bodybuilders and athletes didn’t just wake up and lift 200lb., they started out with 5lb. and grew. Take it one step at a time and you will see results. If you want a workout plan, I can PM you one.

Aleksandr, Future USMC 0321

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