Health Questions

  1. How greatly would sperm cell deformity affect a child?
  2. What am I doing wrong to have a baby?
  3. How can I make my tail smell better?
  4. What age can you buy condoms from uni mart?
  5. How do I flush the systems of mine and my unborn baby's of THC?
  6. Why do I have dark stuff coming out of my nipple?
  7. What happens if you used a dried condom?
  8. What is thoracic ribs?
  9. How do I get rid of blisters from pointe shoes?
  10. Why does my period stink so much?
  11. What would happens when you take ex-lax?
  12. How can I stop my tooth from hurting?
  13. Why do I feel too tall??
  14. Why do I like drinking soo much?
  15. When I wear my glasses more will my eye sight get better?
  16. How can I make my period go off fast?
  17. How do you flush a condom down toilet?
  18. What shall I do about my pain?
  19. Why do I cry over anything & everything that upsets me ?
  20. What should I do if my friend has an asthma attack?
  21. How is it normal if I get blood clots during period and heavy flow?
  22. Can lemon juice clear weed out my system ?
  23. What do you see when your on shrooms?
  24. What is pus in the vagina mean?
  25. How can I fall alseep quickly with period pains?
  26. What structures are important for reproduction?
  27. When I pee it hurts so I went to my doctor and she im fine???
  28. How long after lasarating my liver can I drink alcohol again?
  29. What should I do about this,I need serious help
  30. Who can tell me important stuff about diabetes?
  31. what if you eat 10 cookies! and drink dietersgreentea! do you digestit?
  32. Who suffers from depression here that can answer my quest?
  33. How often do I have to wear a finger splint on a jammed finger?
  34. What if I took my first birth control pill before my period cameon?
  35. What happens when you smoke weed then inhale helium from a balloon?
  36. When will I feel movement?
  37. How can I rid my system of weed during pregency?
  38. What is wrong with my stomach!?
  39. How many floors would my pee reach if I was to pee off a building?
  40. Why is this in my undies!?
  41. What can I do about lossing my baby?
  42. How is it possible to sleep 18 hours and then go back to bed?
  43. how damaging is alcohol to sperm?
  44. Who can help me Questions about bein prego?
  45. why is my nose doing this?
  46. who (not who) can a reiki healer treat paranoya?
  47. Why did my friend throw up after bending over to pick up a book?
  48. How can I prevent my period coming next week?
  49. how do you know if the kegel exercises are working?
  50. Why do people think self harm is so horrible?
  51. Who..was lou gehrig the 1st person to get lous gehrig's disease?
  52. How to break obsessive nature?
  53. How can I help my bad back problems?
  54. Why does it hurt soo much ! ?
  55. How can I fake a bad ankle?
  56. what happens when sperm leads to vagina?
  57. Why would I start my period then stop so fast?
  58. How long does it take for alcohol to completely leave your body?
  59. Why I've had discharge 4 too long?
  60. What does it mean when you have a really squishy lump?
  61. What is my fertile last period was jan 1?
  62. When I was prego I got a rash and I still have it is it normal?
  63. Why am I sooo scared of spiders and needles?
  64. How can you get prego by your boyfriend fingering you?
  65. why is my b/f bleeding rectally?
  66. What does it mean when my boyfriends tells me he want me?
  67. where can I buy phentermine online without a rx?
  68. How can I become prego?
  69. How do you control anger management?
  70. Does moderate underaged drinking cause permanent brain damage?
  71. When: At what point during labor do you go to the hospital?
  72. How do I treat an infected monroe?
  73. why do I have a permanentbloated bump on the bottom of my belly:( ?
  74. How do I no if im pregnent HELP please :'( ?
  75. What: I got a pinched nerve, how can I get rid of it?
  76. How to treat pain in breast while prego?
  77. What was the weed I smoked laced with?
  78. How to help knee joint pain?Help!Quick, please!!?
  79. What can I do when my adult sister goes into her MPD moods?
  80. How can I stay up?
  81. What: I have lyme disease...questions?
  82. What's wrong with my girl?
  83. Why do I have random sharp pains in my back?
  84. Why is my nose always stuffed?
  85. Why am I having pain in my right ovary, I just had a miscarriage?
  86. Why does my arm hurt this bad?
  87. How come I act like this?
  88. Why do I keep consistantly passing gas?
  89. Why do I like crying?
  90. How do I know if the burn is bad?
  91. What are ways to get cancer?
  92. Why:am I sarting to have a drinking prob.?
  93. Who should I talk to?
  94. Why does my vagina smell funny and burn and hurt?
  95. How to be healthy?
  96. Why cant the doctors give me answers?
  97. When your stomach feels like jelly does that mean you're pregnant?
  98. Why have I still got milk if I had my baby 7months ago?
  99. How would I get warts?
  100. Why is my period so light?