How would I get warts?

My boyfriend has a wart on his finger, if he fingers me is there a possibility of me getting it?

Answer #1

yes, if he fingers you with a wart you can end up getting warts on or in your vagina so he should at least get his wart removed or frozen ff first or even better, put a condom on his finger and then do it

Answer #2

Warts on the fingers are known as Periungal Warts. These are elevated, rough, irregular and found around the fingernails. They cause a lot of pain when they become invasive. People can get infected with finger warts through direct contact or by touching or handling objects that have been handled by an infected person.

Answer #3

HAhAhhAhA Ewww! and yer, id be careful lol

Answer #4

Yes its possible. Warts are also caused by HPV, the most common STD.

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