What's wrong with my girl?

Ok, my girlfriend has massive mood swings… Its not bi-polar, more just over-reacting too every little thing people say… So she might be really happy, then if one person says something offensive, she becomes rather depressed for several hours…

I mean, it might just be puberty… She’s only 14…

Answer #1

to “saved by grace” im a strong atheist, and im not going to any churches, sorry. logic, and physical possibility entirely disprove all religions based on a god or higher being/deity.

Answer #2

b/c if some 1 sayes somthing offencive to her she thinks its mean or she’ll be depressed you guys wont know it b/c you guys might think its funny.. see I learnded this by a council male and female brains are way different see when drama comes and cat fights and yelling come into a realtionship or anything our blood builds up more and more thats why our temper and we get so mad is b/c the blood is rising in our brain which keeps us keep going and going at the drama and when a guy thinks football or guy stuff there blood flows up b/c its not what females think… like say if your girlfriend was ttlking to you about drama you would be totally lost and the blood would actually flow away from the males brain cause they dont like to deal with drama and they dont know how to deal withh it and thats the diff. between males and females that we all dont know why we act up like we do -koko

Answer #3

It may just be her personality. I remember knowing someone like that when I was in middle school. I recently reunited with them (alas, I still live in the same city), and they had not grown out of that behavior! I was so shocked! I just figured it was an aspect of their personality that they will more than likely display for the majority of their life.

She will more than likely mature out of it, but just remember that there are always exceptions to the rule!

Answer #4

girls are really moody especially when hitting puberty. I, consider myself as one. it’s normal. you have to understand her. :)

Answer #5

yeh I was just worried, thats all

Answer #6

I think you’re right, Girls are just moody sometimes. It’s something you just have to deal with.

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