Why is this in my undies!?

So.. I went to the toilet the other day and I found a yellow stain in my knickers and don’t know what it is, I’m worried that if I ask my mum she might laugh at me or something.. can someone help?!

Answer #1

Stains in your undies are normal part of becoming a woman. When a woman goes through puberty and as she becomes fertile and gets her period, she also gets different type of vaginal secretions. Sometimes the secretions are white and thick other times they are see threw and sticky (this happens when ovulating) and sometimes she gets none at all. It all depends where she is in her menstrual cycle.

As for your stains, you say they are yellow. This is most worrisome because normally yellow or brown stains means you have some type of infection.

If you have been sexually active and have had unprotected sex then this could be a sign of a sexually transmitted disease or infection. Which means a trip to the doctor is necessary as soon as possible.

If you haven’t had unprotected sex, and are not feeling any other symptoms (no itching,redness, burning sensation when peeing) then keep an eye on it for the next day or two and see if it clears up on it’s own. If not, go see a doctor it could be another type of infection like a vaginal infection (caused by multiple things like soap).

As for talking about it with your Mom, I think it only normal to ask her advice. Why would she laugh at you? She cares for you and I am sure only wants your well being.

Answer #2

I don’t use anything. I just change my undies everyday and wash them regularly. If you feel uncomfortable then you can use a pantyliner or sanitary napkin but this is not necessary.

As for the infection, if it was one, you’d probably feel the symptoms on and around your vagina. Just keep an eye on the secretions (discharge) if it is yellow or brown, then you should see a doctor.

Tender breasts, bloating and lower abdomen pains can all be signs of your on coming period.

Answer #3

um, I dont know what sanitary towels are LOL I looked at wikipedia and it said they’re sanitary napkins/pads. oh that I know :) haha

anyways, its okay to use pads if you’re more comfortable with it. I actually use them when I feel like my period is coming already (though usually, its not. at least not yet). so yeah, its okay.

Answer #4

I think that’s normal discharge (usually get it when you’re near your period). you might want to use pantiliners :)

Also, wash your thingy thoroughly and wear breathable cotton undies so you won’t sweat as much down there.

Answer #5

You say infection if it were an infection would it effect my stomach because I have been having really bad stomach pains lateley more down near the lower abdonam?

Answer #6

Thanks - though I have been told pantiliners are uncomfortable and a waste of money, my friend says that although I havent actually started my period I could use sanitary towles.. is this a good idea?

Answer #7

Thanks guys :)

Answer #8

Okay thank you :)

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