How do I flush the systems of mine and my unborn baby's of THC?

So I’m about 37 weeks pregnant, and a regular smoker (I AM NOT LOOKING FOR CRITICISM OR people WANTING TO SAY JUST QUIT!) And I recently found out that most of the hospitals in my area automatically drug test newborns. I could have the baby any time from now to after my due date. I want to flush our systems. I’m about 195 pounds so I’m a little overweight. Any ideas??

Answer #1

Wow, some of you people can be very messed up in your thinking. Have you ever heard of a person being an addict? Obviously you have not and are ignorant enough to jump the gun and judge another before even knowing all of your facts. Yes, it is selfish to use drugs while pregnant but, at the same time, it is also selfish to judge another person, before ever walking in theri shoes. I say, that if you have never been in this situation yourself, then don’t even answer the question and find something better to do with your time, like take a look at your own self and do a moral inventory. This may help you to see that you are not perfect either and possibly could use some improvement in your own life, just in different areas.

Answer #2

There’s no damage to the damn baby. I’m sick of hearing that bull. My mother smoked with all of her kids and we’re damn fine

Your mother was lucky, so were you with your first kid. All you are doing is harming your baby. Oh and to get it out of your body STOP smoking it. People like you shouldn’t be allowed to have children.

Hopefully the hospital will take your child away if they find out what you have been doing to it.

You are definitely not a fit mother.

Answer #3

THC = Tetrahydrocannabinol, a drug that has been proven to cause behavioural problems in children who were subjected to it while in utero.

So, while the drug may not cause mental, physical or health problems, just remember what part you played in all this when you have to deal with a child who has the possibility of growing up criminal because his/her mother didn’t have the care or common sense to stop feeding it drugs.

And just a side note: You’re not a nice person at all…is that…gasp… behavioural??? Blame your mother for forcing her drugs on you like you’re doing to your child.

You’ll get no pity here.

Answer #4

Mmm yes, the hospitals are just stupid and out to get people. They have the time and money to waste on idiots like you who endanger their baby. I still dont get why people are just allowed to have babies. You’re serious with your argument of everyone is fine because you’re fine? So if you drive drunk and have yet to crash it is ok? Just because you havent crashed yet? (that’s assuming everything really was ok, you dont appear to the brightest bulb in the shop). You also cannot know that everything is fine. No, you wouldnt know already (why do the ignorant insist on giving advice). You cant flush it out. Hopefully CPS finds out and does something.

Answer #5

How selfish - you forced this crap into an innocent baby just because you are so ignorant and stubborn to even contemplate how bad it is. And you can tell me to get screwed all you like, I’m sure you baby would love to say to you right now. How do you actually KNOW there is no damage to the baby? Obviously your mother’s smoking affect your logic as you are talking about this as though it totally acceptable - no-one else is on your side here.

Answer #6

Well I don’t really know if there’s any complications, without your doctor saying anything, my mom smoked with my brother and she delivered him 4 weeks early because of complications with him and he came out like 4 lbs. or something, so yeah there can be complications but he came out fine in the end. although he’s hella skinny now and never can gain weight, but yeah, I think u’d know by now and if there wa sanything wrong you can flush it out

Answer #7

you cant get it out of your baby, its in it now so whatever damage you have dont to your baby will be your own fault

Answer #8

There’s no damage to the damn baby. I’m sick of hearing that bull. My mother smoked with all of her kids and we’re damn fine. Plus I have a two year old who is just fine. So like I said, keep such comments to yourself, and screw off :D. Thanks.

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