How to be healthy?

I’m not exactly healthy, I have bad skin, I’m abit overwieght… what’s a good way to make me healthier? :3

Answer #1

Set up a good diet for yourself. By that I do not mean a restriction program, but what you eat daily. Make sure you have 5 portions of different fruit and vegetables a day, as well as some protein, carbohydrates, fats etc. Look up the food triangle to see a healthy daily balance.

You need around 2000 calories a day to function. You will also need to do some mild exercise a day. Do proper cardio 3 times a week if you can, such as swimming, skipping, running etc.

Make sure that you drink plenty of water. Your body needs this to function, and it will also help your skin.

If you want, try to visit your GP and they may help you draw up a good diet, or else send you to a nutrionist who can help instead.

Answer #2

eat healthy foods, but dont starve yourself or ONLY eat healthy foods like fruit and vegies, your body needs other nutrients and exerscise for at least 30 minutes a day

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