Health Questions

  1. Why do i get cramps during the middle of the night?
  2. Why after I eat a bowl of cereal or anything with milk I get like these weird sores in my mouth it's always happened..and I odn't drink milk alot ?
  3. How do you get your eye to stop twitching, no seriously?
  4. what birth control pill would you recommend? what type of condom would you recommend as well?
  5. How long after taking antibiotics can you drink alcohol?
  6. How can I tell if I sprained my foot?
  7. How much of a chance of me being pregnant if he didnt cum inside me but just pre-came?
  8. is it bad to re-use a condom?
  9. what do i do about farting?
  10. Is there any one out there who hasent started there period that wants it because they r left out?
  11. What can you do to temporarily put off your period, for a day or two?
  12. How Is HIV/AIDS caught by the penetration, or by the cum?
  13. What is this lump under my nipples?
  14. is keeping everything inside healthy?
  15. What can happen 2 me if my boyfriend keep nutnig im me and i dont never get pregnant?
  16. is it normal to want to die?
  17. what the hell is blue waffles
  18. when you give uhp ur virginity will iht hurt a lot?
  19. What are these purple lines on my hips going back to the like tip of my bum?
  20. What happens if dyslexia goes untreated?
  21. Can an adult have dyslexia?
  22. can herpes of the mouth be spread to cause herpes of the genetals?
  23. Why do kids drink?
  24. Can you mix marijuana and vicodin/WATSON349 together?
  25. who can help me decide if my hymen is broken?
  26. how to get vicodin and weed outta my system??
  27. Who can tell me why eating disorders are so bad?
  28. How do u know if ur actually sick or if u jus have a cold??
  29. When should I take a pregnancy test if I have irregular periods?
  30. What do you guys think of people who are bulemic/anorexic?
  31. What is the best medicine for sore throat, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, congestion in the bridge of my nose and in my chest?
  32. what do you think the outcome of this doctors appointment will be?
  33. why i dont get my period im 22...
  34. Armpit and under arm rash.
  35. What should I do if I think I have mono?
  36. what if male wanna be a girl is that upnormal?
  37. What are some good way of cooling down before i hit or punch?
  38. Does your period come at normal time when taking Plan B?
  39. How long do braces hurt or make you sore?
  40. Can you get physically ill from a sunburn?
  41. How do I get rid of stress induced headaches?
  42. how do i know how meny day i should wait until i take a pregnancy test?
  43. How do i get rid of this bladder problem?
  44. What age can you buy ciggerates, black and milds, etc?
  45. What makes your feet stop hurting?
  46. Why am I always angry?
  47. Can cracking my knees too much cause them to loose stregnth and hurt all the time?
  48. is smoking only 3 or 4 cigarettes a day really bad for you?
  49. How bad is smoking spice for you?
  50. can anyone think of why i cant ever sleep? i get about 2 hours of sleep every night....any ideas why?
  51. Can and why do your baby get blind if you have herpes during pregnancy?
  52. what is a good way to stay up all night and still go to school in the morning?
  53. how to get cigarretes underage without askin friends?
  54. What is my blood type i know that doctors in ukraine say + 1 but how do u say it in usa does anyone know?
  55. can i wear my belly ring while swimming? i dont swim that much i just walk around or sit in the pool. should i wait a month or 2?
  56. How do you feel when you take vikodin(sp?)?
  57. What would happen if you took vicodin and drank some alcohol with it?
  58. Is it possible to get put into a mental hospital for having hallucinations?
  59. What can make you infertile?
  60. Why do I have this learning problem?
  61. How to deal with body issues?
  62. Why do I have a runny nose after a sleepover?
  63. how much sit ups do you have to do to lose 20-30 pounds?
  64. What might pain in my left side for the past 11 days mean?
  65. What are people called that cut for pleasure?
  66. What does second-hand smoke cause?
  67. How do you get rid of head-aches?
  68. How would smoking affect a diet?
  69. Why do I keep getting nosebleeds?
  70. What does it mean shrim your beard or something like that?
  71. When will my brace spacers stop hurting ?
  72. Why are people saying there is an AIDS group injecting people?
  73. Why are my nipples red in the morning?
  74. When will the numbness of my tongue go away?
  75. Why did veins appear on my left breast when treated for shoulder?
  76. Why do I need to worry about gallbladder?
  77. What is the difference between addictions and obsessions ?
  78. Why do I feel so nervous before doing anything at all?
  79. How much toothpaste contains 5 milligrams flouride?
  80. What all does Molina Healthcare cover?
  81. How long will my arm take to heal?
  82. What is the orange stuff that comes out of my vagina?
  83. What do you think about weed?
  84. What is wrong with my mouth :/ ?
  85. What are some of your home remadies?
  86. What is this, my doctor didn't tell me what :(?
  87. Why is my snot yellow? HELP!!?
  88. Why do I have a headache and some dizziness?
  89. What are some good natrual remidies for anxiety?
  90. Why is my friend depressed?
  91. What medication do I need?
  92. How can I decrease my bad PMS?
  93. How can I know if I have tight or loose vagina?
  94. What do you do when you wake up with a horrible stiff neck?
  95. What: Will Hydroxyzine counteract the itchyness caused by codeine?
  96. Where can I buy terminalia chebula?
  97. How to avoid unhealthy food put right in your face?
  98. Why can't I wake up?
  99. Why is half my face puffy?
  100. What to do if I want to stop smelling?