What does it mean shrim your beard or something like that?

what does it mean when someone told you you should shrim your beard because some friends told me to do it but I don’t know wht it is

Answer #1

I think they mean SHRIMP your beard.

It’s one method of personal hygiene… You buy some Sea Monkeys or Brine Shrimp… (same thing) and empty the packet into your beard. Find a spray bottle… clean it thoroughly… ammonia will kill brine shrimp as is in most cleaning solutions. Keep your beard misted at least once an hour for the first few days.. then a few times daily. The brine shrimp will keep your beard oil free without washing for as long as the brine shrimp last… (which isn’t long… sadly)

You can prolong the life of your brine shrimp by adding fish emulsion into your water mister.

Answer #2

I think they mean TRIM your beard, meaning make it look neat. Cut it back a little

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