Health Questions

  1. does anyone else get a sore brain when they shake their head arround or is it just me ?
  2. Is there a medicine or vaccine so u don't get STD when ur young?
  3. What's all involved in getting tested for pregnancy and for STDs?
  4. Do you guys think i shouldve had a say on wheather or not my mom can put me on birthcontrol?
  5. What do you do when you can't get the splinter out of your finger?
  6. What is the most less painful way I can get a splinter out of my skin? its like in my finger where the circle is.
  7. What happens when a girl gets her period early?
  8. What bra to wear to bed or none??
  9. why do my muscles hurt in my legs?
  10. Can you wear two tampons??
  11. Should I talk to my doctor about seeing a phychologist?
  12. Does not eatting affect period cramps?
  13. Is this strep throat or something else?
  14. how does weed help you lose weight? well, i heard it does. is it real?
  15. What is wrong with my abs?
  16. How do you take care of hangnails properly?
  17. Is it possible to inhale in too much bug spray i have 'Hot Shot' bug spray?
  18. is it bad if i skip my period every 2 months?
  19. what does it mean if my boobies are sore?
  20. How will doctors determine if i need anti-depressant pills?
  21. Is my hand fine?
  22. How can I get help with my body issues?
  23. What is something physically painful my girlfriend and I could do to each other since we both have a pain fetish (we've used whipping, spanking, & biting)?
  24. Why do I feel so sick and upset all of a sudden when I've had such a great week? D;
  25. Who know if this some kind of Anger disorder?
  26. What can i do about my kittens hurt foot?
  27. Is having constant "Night Terrors" (Nightmares) a medical condition?
  28. What causes the pituitary gland to not work properly?
  29. What are effective Keloid treatments?
  30. Why do i get yellow puss coming out of my vagina?
  31. Can having more male hormones in a girl recieve weight gain?
  32. What do I do to take care of my scraped knee?
  33. What does it mean if your lips are really red/dark pink...what vitamin is missing?
  34. How to improve my asthma?
  35. Why would a baby be born premature?
  36. what are the signs of having kidney stones?
  37. is it weird if your snakebites start to burn??
  38. What can lead to miscarriage?
  39. is ritalin mixed in with other medications?
  40. what is wrong with my lip?
  41. Anyone smoke; Lucky Strikes, Parliament, or American Spirit Cigarettes?
  42. What are these upper pains i get?
  43. How bad does the birth control implant in your arm hurt?
  44. Is changing birthcontrols bad?
  45. Can breast growth stop before they are fully developed?
  46. What causes OCD and how do I get rid of it?
  47. how can i tell if my nose ring is in fected??
  48. Why do they say eating hot dogs while you are pregnant isn't good?
  49. Why do I obsess over certain things?
  50. Who thinks it is possible to get OCD, or for your OCD to worsen if you watch a TV show about it?
  51. is smoking weed good for your health?
  52. when am i ovulating if i have a irregular 40 day cycle. can i still get pregnant?
  53. Why have I been feeling so down lately?
  54. how do u cure borderline personality disorder??
  55. How do I know if I'm miscarrying?
  56. What is this dry nipple problem?
  57. What can I do to help me get pregnant faster?
  58. how come when i go to sleep, i sleep for about 16hours sometimes and when i wake up im still like dead tired and have to force my self awake?
  59. how bad dose geting your taung split hurt? i dont intend on doing it but iv always wanted to know lol.
  60. is it possible for a petite girl, who is slim and somewhat already in shape, to tone up in a month if she works out 3-4 times a week?
  61. does crest make any toothe paste that fights caveties, gingivitis, plaque sensitivity, tarter, whitens, strengthens enamel, and fights bad breath?
  62. Could I have a concussion if I hit my head hard and then got extremely giggly, and now I'm exhausted and my head throbs?
  63. How great is the birth control pill Kariva?
  64. what are someways to tell someone there having an identity crisus?
  65. who knows if i get braces if i have a lip pearcing?
  66. is it a good idea to take adderall?
  67. What can I buy to get rid of warts on my vagina?
  68. Can a wart on your vagina kill you if so how long would it take?
  69. What does a wart on your vagina look like?
  70. why is my nipple (just one) so ichy?
  71. what is this white bump from kissing?
  72. How do you get over someone dying?
  73. does your hole after being fingered go back to the same size after a month?
  74. Does anyone know any home remedies that can ease a migraine headache ?
  75. Is your hymen visible?
  76. Why is it that I have trouble with tampons yet I'm not a virgin?
  77. What can I do to make my neck stop hurting?
  78. Can an 18 year old boy buy his 14 year old girlfriend an abortion pill ?
  79. Does anybody know any ways to prevent panic attacks after smoking weed?
  80. Did you know that all blue-eyed people have a common ancestor?
  81. What are some ways to control anger?
  82. What are some good running and conditioning work outs to do to stay in shape and bring up your endurance?
  83. does mint toothpaste really reduce pimple size??
  84. can anyone tell me why everytime i go pee i have a yellowish/white discharge on my underwear..?
  85. Why do I feel faint all the time?
  86. Does people with diabetics slow in bed?
  87. What does it mean when the upper part of yur tummy hurts but then the pain moves to the right?
  88. Who's going to Pride Week? :3
  89. Why am i always sleeping now, i would never sleep this much before?
  90. Is eating very little and working out effective for weight loss or is it simply unhealthy for me to not eat much and still exert myself?
  91. what does it mean if im having brownish discharge 6 months into my pregnancy?
  92. how do you deal with your body issues ?
  93. How does Vitamin B12 help you, and what is the best way to administer it?
  94. What should I do I am dealthy afraid of noises when I am home alone?
  95. Who knows if you can get pregnant from a guy if they are fixed?
  96. what are the consequencies of taking supplement capsules.....?
  97. why is my period all the sudden so bad?
  98. What month do you get morning sickness when your pregnant?
  99. How Cheap Are Pregnancy Tests In England, UK?
  100. How do I get over this thing I have about not being able to fall asleep without my own bed :'( ?