How do you get over someone dying?

what if it just keeps crawling in your body you never forget about it and your aalways sad?

Answer #1

well everyone is eventually going to have to die. i mean its life. i had two loved ones die within one month of each other. one of them just passed away immediately and the other one was slowly dieing. it’s hard. i went through it. but it is life and everyone has to die and it is hard but you will overcome it soon and you’ll be able to look back on the memories you’ve had with that person and you’ll be able to smile and laugh. also i found that if you keep yourself busy that helps get your mind off of them. but there’s really no reason to be sad, they’re going off into a better place, but it is natural instinct to mourn, everyone does it, and you’re not mourning for them, you’re mourning for yourself because you’re losing them. you just got to stay strong, if i can do it then you can do it. hope i helped. (:

Answer #2

Its very rough - my mom just passed away about 2 months ago, and its a struggle some days for me. I think some of the tragedy of the death was taken away by the fact she had been sick with cancer for about 8 years, so it didn’t come out of the blue, and she is no longer in pain. Buts its still hard. At first I would have to stay busy all the time. If I wasn’t I would starting thinking about her and get really depressed. So I would always be busy with something whether it was constructive or not. I spend a lot of time playing video games with my music cranked up loud enough I couldn’t think. That really helped for me. IMO there is nothing a lot of loud Metallica can’t make you feel better about, even if its just temporary. I’m finally getting to the point where I don’t have to stay busy all the time, and have started piecing my life back together.

I know a lot of people take comfort from family, but it just made me more depressed. Everyone just got together and moped around. I spent a lot of time alone actually, which helped a lot. I know they say when grieving not to be alone too much, but I liked it.

My two younger siblings spent some time talking to councilors, and went to a grief camp for a week. That has seemed to help them a lot. I felt more comfortable dealing with it on my own, in my own way at my own pace. But to each their own. Don’t be afraid to seek someone to open up to. It can do wonders sometimes :D.

I hope that helps b/c I have to stop and find some Metallic before start crying :p.

Answer #3

Time heals everything <3

Answer #4

its hard when some one dies in the last 2 yeard ive lost 4 peaple and im bout to loose my grandmother to you need to open up let all the pain out cry scream throw a fit your upset on the instead and need to let it out or youll explode (not littarlly just like have a fit) for them always being on your mind do stuff you use to do go out wtih friends when ur sitting alone or ur in your room try humming its hard to think about anything else when your humming in less your really consitrating if your still feeling upset go to there grave and talk to them there alone tell them how you miss them and you wish they were still here but the only true medicen is time

Answer #5

Allow yourself to grieve in your own way…don’t fight it. Grieving is as natural as death itself. As torturd said….there’s always the option of a counselor (they DO help…they offer coping you can use to help yourself). The key, I think tho…is allowing yourself to grieve, to flow with the feelings…don’t put a time limit on it…don’t say to yourself “it’s been _ long, and I still don’t feel better”….

It’s been 4 years since my mom died…and I still miss her everyday…I still feel sad sometimes, and even cry no and again.


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