Is this strep throat or something else?

ok so my throat has been sore for about a week but saturday i noticed it had white blister type things on the sides of it…someone told me it may be strep throat…but im not having fevers…and i’ve heard that if you dont have fevers then it might not be strep…but i dont know..can someone tell me what this may be?..

Answer #1

That looks kinda gross :(

Answer #2

hi…please dont get offended by the things I am going to say next!!!

First of all, I cant believe you did that…that is just really gross…

Second of all, We are not trained doctors…we can advise you to see a doctor…but we are not qualified to say weather you have or dont have a case of step throat or anything else for that matter.

Third…please spare us of pictures like that in the future…thank you in advance!

Answer #3

Did you REALLY just take a picture of your throat and post it on the internet for a bunch of strangers to see? I’m sorry, but I find it more than just a bit amusing.

Unfortunately we aren’t doctors, we cannot diagnose strep throat or any other condition (whether it is physical or phsycological).

Answer #4

Normally strep throat and tonsilitus cause a fever…they are both infections, and fever is your body fighting it. You could possibly have thrush, tho…go to the doctor and find out what’s going on. No matter what, you will need something to help your body fight back.

Answer #5

Alright, so I’m not a doctor, I’m a 16 year old girl BUT i have had strep throat many many times. Getting white spots on the back of your tonsils IS a sign of strep throat. From what you say, it’s been going on for a week, that is also a sign of strep throat. When I get it, I don’t get fevers. I’m perfectly fine other then that my throat feels like sandpaper, sure i feel, how do you put it “gloomy” at times but never a fever. So, from what you say I, myself think it is strepthroat. Hope this helps.

Answer #6

Okay that sounds simalar to what I get, its called a tonsil stone, its just a build up of baciria and things like that in the groves of your tonsil, its harmless really, and will fall out it will look like a chunky little stone. Lol. Gross I know, you can pop it out with a qtip, even grosser. But it’ll go away, and unless they keep coming back for months then its nothing major just kinda sick. It happens more offten when your sick due to bactiria and suck.

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