Health Questions

  1. Who came up with the idea of breast augmentation?
  2. can people get tired of havin s*x?
  3. What's wrong with my hands???
  4. Does applesauce help you get better when your sick??
  5. Why does my right nipple hurt when I exercise or after a shower?
  6. Are there alternatives to testosterone shots for female to male transgenders(something not involving needles)?
  7. What could a fast, pulsing or throbbing in your lower abdomen be?
  8. What could be causing a mix results when taking pregnancy tests?
  9. What are those little bumps on people's upper or lower arm?
  10. What does it mean if a doctor tells a woman her testonsterone levels are to high?
  11. What could cause your eye lid to swell up ?
  12. Why do I get headache whenever I read something on a moving vehicle, while others don't?
  13. Why do i only have a period once evry 2-3 years?
  14. Can you develop schizophrenia from smoking marijuana/meth?
  15. Is it possible for a teen/young adult to suffer of a stroke?
  16. When a body part is severed from the body, how long do surgeons have to sew it back on if they can?
  17. what are dental implants?
  18. What kind of solution is blood to the red blood cell?
  19. why does my knee make a wierd ripping noise when i standup?
  20. Can the medication prednisone cause insomnia? I
  21. Do painkillers thin your blood enough to affect the outcome of a tattoo?
  22. How can i shave after getting a tattoo withouy getting razorburn?
  23. Who heard that only 2 of the First Ruldolf puppets survived?
  24. Why is it bad to stand in front of a microwave when you heating something?
  25. What can help to you get rid of pain in your hands/fingers?
  26. Who here has had an abnormal pap smear?
  27. What kind of disease has the symptoms coughing out blood and intense pain in your insides?
  28. How high does the heart rate have to be to need to go to the hospital?
  29. What can it mean when someone has their stomach expanded?
  30. Why am i occasionally leaking a clear, sticky fluid?
  31. Is it true that drinking water helps your heart rate go down?
  32. Which is better for you, orange juice or milk?
  33. why does my right armpit hurt?
  34. How come when i have no fan on or window open i get a panic attack?
  35. What do Doctors usually prescribe for people with insomnia?
  36. How long does it take to get addicted to something?
  37. How long does heroin stay in the placenta?
  38. how do i know if i have secondary dysmenorrhea?
  39. How much could a gyno visit cost?
  40. What are some exterior symptoms that are noticable when you have a kidney infection?
  41. how can i keep washing my face a daily thing?
  42. How do you feel about the new contraceptives for animals?
  43. Why is it that many things are made to protect against pregnancy, but only one to prevent stds?
  44. can potassium gluconate vitamin tablets replace bananas to prevent "Charlie horse's"?
  45. is drinking water all day with no food healthy?
  46. do you think 2012's gunna b a bad year ?
  47. How do I deal with continuous nose bleeds,nose bleeds like two to three times a day without fworring about it?
  48. Can to many surgeries for the same thing be bad for you?
  49. Can an MRI detect autism?
  50. What could cause bad abdominal cramps ( not from pms )?
  51. What if i could have done something to stop his death?
  52. Can dead toenails heal?
  53. what is something i can do when at the dentist to help my nerves?
  54. Is It Bad To Do The Splits While Your On Your Period?
  55. what is the most breakable bone in our body?
  56. how can i give my sister an enema?
  57. What exacly is Anorexia?
  58. what sould i do my friend is anorexic and she wont let me feed her?
  59. What ways, if any, can you prevent gettin dementia?
  60. What is this white bump on my lash line from?
  61. How can I help my best friend who is extremely depressed, but hides it and refuses to talk to someone about it?
  62. What can you do if anything to prevent endometriosis from reforming?
  63. What exactly happens to your legs when you get a charlie horse?
  64. When do kids usually lose their baby teeth?
  65. does smoking weed gets people skinnier?
  66. What is the differance in haveing a heart attack and haveing a stroke?
  67. How do you feel about contraceptives in school?
  68. What is priapism?
  69. Why does my body react badly to alcohol?
  70. What is pernicious anemia?
  71. Is it possible to actually get scared to death?
  72. What is the most harmful thing you can do to your heart?
  73. What preventative measures can I take, if any, to reduce my risk of becomeing diabetic?
  74. What could constantly cause migraines?
  75. Who knows if their are any major health benefits to eating oatmeal?
  76. What juice has the most health benefits?
  77. What are some good replinishing things to eat after donateing blood?
  78. What is the difference between side affects and symptoms?
  79. what kind of lotion or medicine can help my moms hand?
  80. Are there any medical conditions that could affect the results of a home pregnancy test?
  81. Is it true that you have 12,000 microsophic spiders in each eyebrow ?
  82. What causes eye color ?
  83. What pills make you sleepy?
  84. How long does it take for a multivitamin pill to start working on your body?
  85. How to overcome height phobia?
  86. What would you do to if you kept loseing pregnancies due to miscarriage?
  87. can u get braces only for your upper teeth?
  88. Whats that thin layer of skin in your vagina ?
  89. How do to relieve chest tightness from anxiety?
  90. Why do you get diarrhea?
  91. What is the probability of getting contaminated blood dureing a medical procedure?
  92. What are some alternatives to medication when you have asthma?
  93. Why does my friend get so many headaches?
  94. How to get rid of back pain when you can't even have a massage and painkillers won't work for me?
  95. Where can I get medical marijuana card?
  96. how can i get a longer dick?
  97. Is it normal to get blur vision during high fever?
  98. How do I get mucous out of my throat?
  99. Why does oragel's numbness not last so long and make you have to spit alot?
  100. Is sleeping for long hour bad for health?