When do kids usually lose their baby teeth?

Is it normal to still have them as an adolescent?

Answer #1

They usually lose them by the time they are 14, except some molars do come in after that

Answer #2

I didn’t realize that it took so long, i always thought by 7 or 8 kids had lost all their teeth.

Answer #3

well kids usually start loosing them around kindergarten/1st grade and eventually they strt coming out slower. Sometimes the oral surgeon will just have to go on and pull them so other teeth can grow in

Answer #4

I think it is different for every kid, just as it’s different for every girl when they start their period.

Answer #5

At that age they will have lost most of thr baby teeth, my one daughter is 15 and she lost 2 teeth last yr, I didn’t think it was normal but the dentist said it is, the older they get the slower they seem to fall out

Answer #6

all mine were out by the time I waa 11 or 12ish

Answer #7

Might be different for everyone. I still have 3 baby teeth and I’m 14.

Answer #8

It depends on the person. I personally had all my adult teeth at eight, and wisdom teeth came through at twelve. I also got my first teeth very early.

Answer #9

it is normal to still have them in adolescence, but sometimes they just wont move, and they will have to be removed. Especially since the adult tooth is there and if it cant move down it may come out a less desirable way

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