Health Questions

  1. Why is ice said to bring down swelling and does that actually work?
  2. When do doctors generally start checking you for dilation and signs of labor when you're pregnant?
  3. Why am I shivering when I go to take a shower even though it's not cold?
  4. What is the main cause of diarrhoea?
  5. What is Bacterial Vaginosis?
  6. Is it possible for me to be immune to Tylenol 3's?
  7. What can I do to help repair my lungs?
  8. Can stress make your back/spine ache?
  9. Why is my left front tooth hurting every time I drink something cold?
  10. What do you soak dental flippers or dentures in?
  11. Why do I get so hot lately and need to have it really cold in my room?
  12. Why is it difficult for me to breath in deep and it hurts my chest?
  13. Why do I get so paranoid?
  14. What is a good way to suppress hunger?
  15. why can't we say bock with a c on FA??? even wen sumones question relates to that word???...u cant always say "PENIS" ya know. -___-
  16. What could white - ish bumps on ones vagina be, could it be from shaving and cutting ones self?
  17. Would an abortion at 8 weeks still cost somewhere around 500?
  18. Would this water be safe to bathe in, or brush my teeth with?
  19. what's the green secretion coming out of my vagina?
  20. why do i feel like peeing when i get too horny?is it normal?what do u think is the problem if it is?
  21. Why is it when I scratched the back of my head I kept feeling dizzy and almost blacked out?
  22. What would make you have to blow your nose multiple times a day, but you're not sick?
  23. How can I improve my posture?
  24. Can being punched in the stomach while pregnant cause a miscarriage?
  25. Should I see a doctor if my head hurts for a week?
  26. What is idiopathic hypersomnia?
  27. Why do my hands sometimes just randomly hurt and lose circulation when I'm running?
  28. Why do I feel tipsy when I'm not?
  29. why does eating pineapples make me feel sleepy?
  30. How do you feel when getting and MRI or CT scan done?
  31. What does it mean if your gums are swollen and slightly bleeding?
  32. How do you get rid of a funny feeling in your belly?
  33. How do you deal with hangovers?
  34. What do you do when you got a hair stuck down your throat?
  35. Why did I pass out in the shower?
  36. What are some benefits of taking fish oil pills every day?
  37. Why do I shiver sometimes when I pee?
  38. What do you think of letting your friend insert a tampon in you?
  39. Who thinks short people are weird just for being 4'9 when at that age they are supposed to be 5'0?
  40. What is the best way of increasing height at a faster rate?
  41. What if it wasn't Stockholm Syndrome?
  42. Is it harder to diagnose yourself than to diagnose a patient?
  43. Can someone explain pre-cum to me? =S
  44. What are some good ways of getting rid of a headache?
  45. Who thinks it is common to get a burning sort of painful feeling up in your vagina while on your period?
  46. Why do women throw up during pregnancy?
  47. What does heavy bleeding while pregnant mean?
  48. Why does the end of my spine hurt when i lay down or bend over?
  49. Is it normal to be sick for more than two weeks?
  50. Why are my hips locking when I lay down and aching when I walk (cont'd)?
  51. Why do my feet sweat alot?
  52. Is it normal to have a small greyish area on your eyeball?
  53. Does eating a spoonful of honey help with sore throats?
  54. why do my eyes hurt if i stay up late?
  55. Why is it that going to sleep is supposedly bad when you [may] have a concussion?
  56. What is a good way to ask your family to eat healthier in order to benefit, not only yourself, but everyone else?
  57. How does adderall work for people who actually need it?
  58. Is hard alcohol on it's own any worse for you than mixing it in a drink?
  59. is it ok to cry light yellow?
  60. Why do my finger nails get BLUE AND PURPLE color sometimes?
  61. How to prevent a really bad sore throat from turning into mono?
  62. Is there something i can do to prevent the backaches im getting from sleeping during this pregnancy?
  63. When wearing headphones, are you supposed to hear the blood flowing through or around your ears?
  64. why are my hands and feet always freezing?
  65. Is cutting yourself, drinking, and smoking the same concept?
  66. Why am I always losing circulation in both of my legs/feet ?
  67. What topical ointment can you put on a burn?
  68. How do you tell the difference between a stress headache and a 'normal' headache?
  69. Why can't I control the left side of my face?
  70. why do i feel like i am gonna die soon?
  71. Where is this clicking sound coming from when I chew?
  72. What will happen to my tattoos as I get older?
  73. what does it mean when you have real sharp pain below your belly and sometimes its pressure?
  74. are your breasts suppose to hurt that bad before you get your menstual?
  75. How can i tell if im bi-polar.?
  76. how can i prevent myself from getting the Swine Flu?
  77. What's Raynaud's Syndrome??
  78. Would it be less painful to extract wisdom teeth before they have fully grown out?
  79. Is this just a cold?
  80. is it bad if i smoke weed while taking daily zoloft and abilify?
  81. how can i get my period to go lighter ?
  82. is it possible to OD on vitamin B12?
  83. Who has or had a problem with a varicose vein in their testicle?
  84. What does a white bump around the hole of my industrial peircing mean?
  85. does getting off the birth control pill cause you to break out in acne on your face ?
  86. what do u think of people who have autism?
  87. how to treat a numb thumb?
  88. is it fine to deliver a baby unassisted ?
  89. What does it mean if my piercing (left earlobe) is black?
  90. what happens if you have a high sodium intake?
  91. Do you think High-fructose corn syrup plays a big role in US obesity?
  92. Does the US have the highest ratio of obesity in the World?
  93. is it weird to talk to yourself?
  94. Do scars on legs usually bulge?
  95. Do you think my insurance would cover getting my teeth re-done?
  96. can you drink coffee when knocked up?
  97. How to minimize tooth sensitivity from a chipped tooth...?
  98. What could be causing me to lose so much sleep?
  99. is it normal for blood to be out a cavity?
  100. How to get rid of canker sores please?