is it bad if i smoke weed while taking daily zoloft and abilify?

i take zoloft 100mg in the morning and abilify 5mg at night. if i skip my zoloft is it okay if i smoke that day? what will happen? i heard .zoloft and weed gives u panic attacks and stuff but does it stillll happen if i skip it? what about the abilify? please someone reply soon. and dont say to stop smoking or stuff like that cuz thats not what im looking for. please and thanks. btw ill be smoking alone.

Answer #1

obviously people are going to tell you not to smoke weed because it’s a bad thing to do, its against the law and if you do it enough youll be a burn out. I’m not going to encourage bad behavior so all i can say is dont smoke weed.

Answer #2

Well, you have docotor patient confidentiality so I would just straight up ask the docotor. D you absolutely need to take either of the medications? I’d stop taking them and keep smoking, herb is the cure-all. :) Ask your doctor first if it’s necessary to be taking them, a lot of times the prescribe sh1t that’s not even needed, hospitals and doctors suck, but you’re talking to someone with a bias opinion. X]

Answer #3

doctor, doctor, Do, they,

Answer #4

Smoking weed is really bad 4 u. The best you can do is to Quit. I’m sure you can do it :)

Answer #5

“… and dont say to stop smoking or stuff like that cuz thats not what im looking for. …”

I don’t know why you want to ask the damn-fool question if you already know what answers you are and are not looking for. Just go ahead with your own misguided “answers” that you ARE looking for.

For the benefit of other (more sensible) readers of these pages: Don’t do ( illicit ) drügs.

– Majikthise.

Answer #6

Over all smoking weed is bad for you and illegal. With what your taking, I have no idea, so I wont say anathing about that. Go ahead and ask your doctor meaby, your that strong about not letting anybody tell you to stop so I’m sure he wont make a difference, and his answer will be more accurate.

Answer #7

marijuanna is looked down upon simply because it’s illegal, it’s not bad for you like alchohol/tobaco is, however, the worst side effect known is that it can cause deppresion, so I really wouldn’t smoke anymore if you’re taking zoloft, it might make the situation worse.

Answer #8

beats head against wall. While I’m not exactly against smoking weed, when you are on antidepressants, it is a very stupid thing to do. Will they have a direct effect on each other, that you need to talk to your psychiatrist about, however, they both effect the brain and when you already suffer from mood or anxiety disorders, it is not a smart thing to be taking.

Answer #9

How exactly do you figure that? It is just as bad as smoking cigarettes, if not worse. Cigarettes havent been known to trigger psychosis. By all means support the smoking of weed. But dont make stuff up.

Answer #10

psychosis, more worse than death??? lol ok…

Answer #11

weed weed weed:D haa,. forget thaa medicine.

Answer #12

we’ll ignore the grammar issues for the time being, if you argue smoking cigarettes causes cancer and thus leads to death, smoking weed also causes cancer…

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