Why am I always losing circulation in both of my legs/feet ?

Even in school i’ll be sitting down for like 10 minutes & they’ll go numb. -__-

Answer #1

Is this something new? If you have have had these symptoms for a while you should really see a doc- it needs to be investigated.

Answer #2

A few years lol.

Answer #3

you shud really go see a doc ASAP!!! i read a TRU short story boutt a guy who hadd tht happen 2 him nd they hadda cut his legs off…i dnt wanna scare u or nothing i mean it cudd b nothin but its better 2b safe then sorry…

Answer #4

Best thing is to get it checked out just to make sure its not something bad and if it is, get help for it.

Answer #5


Answer #6

i dont wanna scare you,i juss wanted 2 tell u wat i read so u wudd kno…sorry if i did tho…

Answer #7

same thing happens to me :| if i sit on a floor, my legs will fall asleep almost right away. . it also happens with my arms too. i’ve thought about going to a doctor about it, but i didnt think that they would be able to do anything -.-

Answer #8

muffin, if there is any muscle weakness along with the numbness you REALLY need to see a doc- could be something that is not ‘lol’

Best, M.

Answer #9

I’m just to lazy to go & i know my mom won’t take me. She’ll say i’m making it up or it’s “ hormones “. -.-

Answer #10

It happens to me too. but in only my left leg or arm. I could be just standing line or sitting down it just goes numb and all I feel is pins and needle like feeling in them. I have seen a doc and they can not figure it out.

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