What are some good ways of getting rid of a headache?

I’ve had a headache for just over 12 hours now, I’ve slept, took painkillers and nothing is working. I can’t sleep because of it now, anyone know any good ways to cure a bad headache?

Answer #1

i know it is really weird, but sex is good to get rid of a headach (i know, strange right?)

Answer #2

i stand on my head. it works for me for some reason. if that doesn’t work i light every candle in my room, open the windows and balcony doors and do yoga than i take a bath or shower. either one i feel like taking.

Answer #3

Really? Well I’m 15, so I guess that’s not going to help, but thanks :)

Answer #4

As a chronic headache sufferer, I understand your pain. The best thing to do is to go through all the options - you’re eating well, not dehydrated, not overly stressed, etc., then you try the painkillers and rest (which, as you said, did not work for you). Try caffeine (usually, when nothing else gets rid of my headache, Coca Cola will) and cool compresses. A neck massage, or pressure points might help, and if nothing seems to be helping at all, go to the hospital - they can give you a mild narcotic to take the edge off or, at the very least, allow you to sleep through the pain.

Answer #5

Standing on you head haha?! If I go upside down I feel like I’m going to faint. I’m not very good with concentrating and sitting still especially when I have headaches, so I guess that it won’t help me, but thanks.

Answer #6

That sounds a little more than a headache, do you feel dizzy? Like throwing up or any body aches? If so then its a migrane…but the best ays to get rid of a headache is to lay down in a dark room, no noise, no light, no anything but you and the stillness.Any tylenol, advil or painkillers would be helpful. A cold cloth on the forhead may work.

Answer #7

When I get up I feel like I’m going to pass out, I have a pretty high temperature. I’ve been in the dark all day, with painkillers, haven’t got comfy though.

Answer #8

aha that was my reaction too :P i am 15 too so i dunno if it really works :P

Answer #9

I’m eating pretty well, I’m drinking ok, I’m not stressed at all. I’ve been drinking coke too! I have a temperature too so I’ve been trying to keep cool, although I keep changing from hot to cold. I’m not sure wether just to see how it goes and try to sleep.

Answer #10

I have read this before and I do understand how sex would relieve a headache, but I have to congratulate paigeewahh for not using this method. You are to young and I have a lot of respect for teens that think like this.

Answer #11

Thankyou, if only more people my age were like it.

Answer #12

chocolate, advil, orgazm, a hot or cold cloth on your head..sleep

Answer #13

Mint tea.

Answer #14

True, I how my sons are like this at your age, my oldest is 12.

Answer #15

That could work…trouble is I have none.

Answer #16

That could work…trouble is I have none.

Answer #17

Had chocolate, had painkillers, can’t do that one, haven’t tried that one yet and already slept a little.

Answer #18

yahh, my friends wont leave me alon about it. they think i need to ‘get layed’

Answer #19

Well I think the reason you have to drink the caffeine is because you have a caffeine headache, if I don’t get my coffee in the morning I get a headache as well.

Answer #20

Oh the friends I have are all the same as me, we would rather wait :) and that’s very good of your sons, Chris.

Answer #21

take a cool bath? maybe you have a head ach because you are too hot?

Answer #22

Wow really? That’s quite weird.

Answer #23

It all depends what kind of headache you have, their are stress related, pain related, withdraw related, and there are all kinds of cures for the symptoms. What you need to look for is the cause of your headache and remove that, or in the future they may become more common and have greater pain.

Answer #24

i wish mine were like me, i think i have 1 maybe 2 like me. the otehrs waisted it

Answer #25

I’ve been wearing clothes which should keep me cool, and I keep changing from hot to cold.

Answer #26

Well this is a withdraw effect, caffeine is the most abused drug in the US, and there are many side effect and withdraw symptoms caused by it. Look it up…

Answer #27

I don’t know what it could be though, I’m not stressed at all, nothing to do with withdrawal symptons, and the only pain I have is, is this headache!

Answer #28

Ok will do.

Answer #29

None of my friends have wasted theres, some I have spoken to have, not my close friends though :)

Answer #30

Take a nap for about half an hour to an hour, take Advil,IB, put an icebag on your head and rest, wrap a sock aroung your head as tight as you can, drink something cold. This might sound weird but they work. :)

Answer #31

Done the nap part, took painkillers, haven’t done the icebag bit yet. Maybe I should try it :).

Answer #32

Well I really am not a good source for this, I got my first migraine in my life just the other day and I know what mine was from, stress and caffeine. I have seen wined my coffee way back, and I have stopped worrying about a promotion I am working on. I have felt a lot better since.

Answer #33

how come u cant do that one? problems or sth?

Answer #34

try pressing your temples i find it helps temporarly. Drinking tea helps the most i think.

Answer #35

I just don’t do it.

Answer #36

Umm ice pack…aspirin…nap.

Answer #37

Shall try that now, thanks.

Answer #38

Haven’t tried ice pack yet, had painkillers and had a little nap.

Answer #39

Here, try this link, I would have read it to get the info out of it for you, but I fear this may have given me a headache.


Answer #40

how strong is the headache on a scale of 1-10, when did it start

Answer #41

I’m not really stressed about anything, and maybe I should do something about the caffeine bit.

Answer #42


Answer #43

Pretty painfull, say about 8/9. Started at 2, and is still on going.

Answer #44

what happened before it started

Answer #45

you should try the hot cloth….when it cools down re heat it…it helps after heating it up for the 3rd time…atleast for me :) just a towel and hot water..

Answer #46

Nothing, I’d been up for like 10 minutes.

Answer #47

when did u sleep, what happened yesterday

Answer #48

I’ve just done a cold one as my head is really hot!

Answer #49

Slept early ish in the morning, and I’d been out with a friend.

Answer #50

not that good at giving details are u? well i guess ur excused, i can hypnotize u out of it but i dont do that stuff for free anymore

Answer #51

I’m really not, I’m not too sure what time it was, but when I was with this friend, I was only at hers for a few hours so not much happened.

Answer #52

since it continued this long and painkillers arent killing it and u say its pretty strong, then its not ur everyday headache, something happened, try to remember

Answer #53

Nothing’s happened though, just like a normal day.

Answer #54


Answer #55


Answer #56

ok then, all i got left is hypnotizing u, but i dont do that stuff to kids so good luck, hopefully u get better

Answer #57

then i would call my doctor because if they last long it can be something else or maybe just a really long annoying headache better safe than sorry you know?

Answer #58


Answer #59

Answer #60


Answer #61

since ur hot and u wanna passout when u get up…ur in a fever…u dont even know the different between that an a headache?..people those days

Answer #62

I’m only 15, I don’t know too much to be honest.

Answer #63

If it doesn’t get any better soon, I think I shall have to contact the doctor.

Answer #64

haha, guess how old i am

Answer #65

If your profile is correct, then 16?

Answer #66

yep, if u dont start knowing about more things ur gonna end up marrying a fish

Answer #67

Oh thanks? Meh, never mind I guess.

Answer #68

alright then

Answer #69

oxycodone does the trick for me =] lol jk

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