Health Questions

  1. vodka
  2. how can I make my stomach un-bloated?
  3. Why do I feel depressed?
  4. how I decrease my breast
  5. How to:
  6. tampon help?
  7. another pot head that wants to keep smoking
  8. early monopause
  9. No Period in Almost 6 months!?!
  10. Lactose intolerant
  11. Birth Control Fluke?
  12. How do I hold poop in?
  13. Is this really not enough protein??
  14. Can't stop smoking weed
  15. Azoorpsermic
  16. STD's from making out?
  17. Ritalin high
  18. Period websites?
  19. Brown discharge and fishy oder
  20. Swallowing 10 aspirins?
  21. I just got braces today
  22. How long to heal a strained muscle?
  23. I need serious answers, for a big problem,thats quite serious.
  24. Why am I losing my hair?? Im too young
  25. Purchase suboxone?
  26. Pain in abdomen
  27. Crying dangerous?
  28. Crying during the day?
  29. Whats the age for tampons?
  30. Cutting... How would you tell some one?
  31. PMS or a reason to treat people bad
  32. Behaviour problems
  33. Pain in my mouth
  34. Libra girl
  35. Broken Toe
  36. What does green snot mean?
  37. Red is pretty, but not on my skin! =D
  38. Seizurelike activity?
  39. Pregnant sister!!!
  40. Dentist gas
  41. Period every other month?
  42. Do braces hurt when you get them off?
  43. What causes anxiety?
  44. How Much..
  45. How do I stop hunger? I'm dieting.
  46. How much does a nurse get paid in the us?
  47. How do I know if I'm high?
  48. Tylenol pm
  49. Bladder/Kidney stent removal.
  50. Am I pregant?
  51. Spotting a week before period due, and missed period.
  52. Coughing up red meucus?
  53. I feel like my d*ck is too small.
  54. Why the hell did he do that for?
  55. Buck teeth problems
  56. Blood donation information
  57. Dental procedure advice
  58. Gross discharge?
  59. Are cysts bad?
  60. Is there something wrong with me?
  61. Im 13 and im addicted to ciggarettes. How can I quit?
  62. THC Crystallization?
  63. Attention smokers,I need your advice!
  64. How big should a 13 y.o's pen*s be?
  65. help me! I needa know when puberty is going to end for me!
  66. Pregnancy foods
  67. Should you be able to know your doctors history?
  68. Is my lip infected? Just got it pierced
  69. HELP!!! my period wont stop!
  70. Is it possible to be pregnant if I'm having some symptoms?
  71. coke detox time :)
  72. How can I get rid of being sensative?
  73. Can you have hot stuff with braces?
  74. feeling sick in the stomach
  75. what to expect from taking Chantix side effect wise
  76. How long will I have to wait to wash my hair?
  77. Pimple looking thing
  78. Panic attacks and pot
  79. How long before it becomes serious
  80. Root filling help?
  81. Losing weight
  82. whats the best thing to do while high??
  83. what type of cardio?
  84. pregnancy please help asap
  85. Under arm lump
  86. What causes OCD?
  87. Diluting urine herion?
  88. What are prediabetes?
  89. pills I can take cause depressed?
  90. getting weed outta your system the fastest
  91. how do you get undepressed and make friends??
  92. Does weed make you feel happy
  93. 6 small meals a day diet??
  94. shuold I take birth control even though my parents don't aprove
  95. Why do people take pills to deal with their emotions?
  96. What Am I Sick With And How Do I Treat It?
  97. How long before pot is out of system for bloodwork?
  98. The "Munchies"
  99. tea tree oil
  100. Sleep patterns