The "Munchies"

Like many others, when I smoke weed I get terrible, TERRIBLE munchies. As soon as that happens I start thinking “well I know if I eat I’ll kill my buzz, making what I just smoked completely moot in point”

But then I go ahead and eat anyway. This happens every single time.

Is there anyway I can somehow stop this munchies bit? Some kind of train of thought that would convince me (or something, I don’t know) to not eat?

Answer #1

just stop. honestly what are you getting out of that? your questions ridiculous and you don’t even see that. it’s almost humorous.

Answer #2

“its only going to get worse from here, harder drugs- less money, terrible apperance, lossing good friends, STOP NOW !”

Yes…the munchies are really going to drive me to do cocaine. You are absolutely right.

Some people can be so stupid sometimes.

Answer #3

me either, try geting up and doing something..keep yourself

Answer #4

lol not really..having the munchies is part of I dont ANYONE who doesnt get hungry when they smoke.

Answer #5

I don’t have an answer for you since I am wondering the same thing as well, but seriously, people who say things like, “just stop” or “STOP NOW”…really? I mean, that’s all I have to say to you people, really? do you honestly think your comments are going to all of a sudden make that person quit? Like here’s an exaggerated example: 1: I love pot! 2: pots bad, stop! 1: your right, I’m going to quit smoking now because some random person online told me to stop.

Answer #6

well said bro!! ^^^

Answer #7

its only going to get worse from here, harder drugs- less money, terrible apperance, lossing good friends, STOP NOW !

Answer #8

Yeah, don’t smoke weed!

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